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我在庭院中除杂草。I weed the yard.

我们来到一个农家庭院。We're coming to a farmyard.

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庭院四周围以回廊。The courtyard is cloistered.

这是一座园林化的庭院。This is a landscaped garden.

刈大草坪和庭院。Mowed large lawns and estates.

注意你庭院里的家具防火。Fireproof your patio furniture.

去广场大酒店庭院怎么走?How can I get to the courtyard?

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朵朵鲜花开满了庭院。Flowers bloom all over the yard.

她把庭院里的枝条拾起来。She picked up sticks in the yard.

农家庭院已经成为了一堆碎片。The farmyard is full of splinters.

有一道强光照进了庭院。A courtyard in front of a building.

他看见了大响铃在庭院里。He saw a big bell in the courtyard.

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在这个农家庭院里停着一台拖拉机。There is a tractor in this farmyard.

你可以在农家庭院里逗逗奶牛。You can pat the cow in the farmyard.

有一道强光照进了庭院。A powerful light flooded the grounds.

车库展卖,庭院展卖,地下室展卖。Garage sale, yard sale, basement sale.

采摘一朵花从庭院为您。Pick a flower from the garden for you.

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庭院式的、洁净的工作环境。Garden-style, clean working conditions.

她坐在铺着石板的庭院里的一把椅子上。She sat on a chair in the flagged yard.

石头教堂及周围的庭院。Stone church and surrounding courtyard.