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我们用哔哔声消除丑角式人物的污秽的台词。We bleeped the comedian's obscene lines.

小丑,丑角小丑,尤指表演的丑角。A buffoon, especially a performing clown.

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像个丑角的脸上可怜的双眼。Like the sad eyes on the face of a clown.

马戏演出时,丑角扮怪相。At the circus, the clowns mopped and mowed.

丑角的笑话一个比一个好。Each clown capped the last joke of the other.

丑角是让观众放松的重要角色。Buffoons play an important role to relax audience.

化装成丑角的季姆勒和化装成太太的尼古拉首先跳起舞来。The clown—Dimmler—and the old lady—Nikolay—opened the dance.

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“当存在丑角似的搞笑对象时,喜剧事业就非常繁荣,”穆斯托说。"Comedy thrives when there are buffoonish targets," he said.

考斯特德,一个在剧中次要情节中登场的小有智慧的丑角。Costard, the witty clown who drives the sub-plot of the play.

“他们在描绘自己内心的丑角,”老师解释说。"They are drawing their inner buffoon, " explains the teacher.

演喜剧里的配角或丑角,以顺从的、下级的方式行事。A comedy or pantomime in which Harlequin is the main attraction.

小丑,丑角现代芭蕾舞舞剧中的一个角色,小丑笑话的笑柄。A stock character in modern pantomime, the butt of a clown's jokes.

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马师曾在剧中扮演主角宋世杰,即该剧中的一个丑角。Ma Shizeng plays the protagonist, Song Shijie, a clown role in that film.

由于该丑角没有任何麻烦可能会改变在任何室内的心情。Thanks to that Harlequin could change the mood in any interior without any troubles.

穿着斑斓衣衫的丑角如果突然发疝痛了,他的衣服也就表现了这痛楚的情绪。Let Harlequin be taken with a fit of the colic and his trappings will have to serve that mood too.

那种斜举着蜡烛的丑角,戴帽兜的或者不戴帽兜的,我这辈子算是看够了。I have seen clowns enough holding tapers aslant , both with and without cowls, to last me for my life.

有关眼镜架在这个自由丑角时尚视频设计的研究生学习。Learn about Harlequin frame designs for eyeglasses in this free fashion video from a graduate student.

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那些女丑角又换上了农家的服装,当她经过的时候,她曾抬起了她的面具。The harlequin had reassumed her peasant's costume, and as she passed she raised her mask. She was charming.

我的朋友们,我们手里还有个丑角拉巴达什,必须决定如何处理他才好。We have still that sorry creature Rabadash on our hands, my friends, and must needs resolve what to do with him.

那白人侍应,来来回回地招呼他们,不时还作出些搞笑动作,像个丑角。The white guy, a waiter , came and went to service them and sometimes made some funny gesture like a jack-pudding.