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氡来自镭的衰变。Radon comes from radium decay.

薛定谔的原子一定会衰变。Schrodinger's atom will decay.

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基本性与衰变之间没有联系。No connection between simplicity and decay appears.

双光子是在中性兀介子衰变中产生的。Two photons are created in the decay of the neutral pion.

随着时间推移,碳14将衰变为常规的碳12。Over time, that carbon-14 will decay to regular carbon-12.

它作为一种原子核衰变的副产物,产生在铀矿石里。It occurs in Uranium ores as a by product of nuclear decay.

由于这些元素不稳定,它们会发生放射性衰变。Since these elements are unstable, they radioactively decay.

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研究了微腔中原子衰变问题。The problem of atomic decay in the microcavity is discussed.

与氦-4不同之处是,氦-3不能由放射性衰变产生。Unlike helium-4, it cannot be produced by radioactive decay.

在三体衰变中,出现的产物粒子有较大的自由度。In a three-body decay, the emerging particles have more freedom.

铀母体与其衰变产物分离。The parent uranium has been partitioned from its decay products.

不过不止这种方式,粒子还有另外其它三种衰变方式。Not only that, but there are three ways that particles can decay.

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冬季的衰变速率比夏季的稍稍快了一些。The decay rate was ever so slightly faster in winter than in summer.

该模型对企业衰变的防控有重要的实用价值。This model is of practical value for anti-control of enterprise decay.

用二进制数对递次衰变链的衰变路径进行编码。The decay pathways in successive decay chain were coded with binary digits.

引起的残余热量核分裂产物的放射性衰变。The residual heat is caused from the radioactive decay of fission products.

这个核衰变成飞向不同方向的三个粒子。The nucleus decays into three particles which go off in separate directions.

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优良的抗氧性,可减缓油品衰变速度,延长换油期。An excellent antioxidant, may slow oil decay rate, extended oil change period.

铀铅衰变测的年龄跟在新陨石里的其他物质“时钟”显示一致。The uranium-lead decay age is consistent with other clocks in the new meteorite.

放射性碘的半衰期为八天,几周内自然衰变。Radioactive iodine has a half-life of eight days and decays naturally within weeks.