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健康和休息是错综复杂的。Health and rest are intertwined.

柳宗元在柳州时期的情感是错综复杂的。Liu Zongyuan's feelings was intriguing in Liuzhou.

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有孔虫大多具有错综复杂的碳酸钙甲壳。Most have intricate shells made of calcium carbonate.

刘德华和金城武饰演的捕快和章子怡产生了错综复杂的三角恋情。Both Andy Lau and King Shing Mou fell in love with her.

下棋的走法不但多种多样,而且错综复杂。The moves in chess are not only manifold, but involute.

中国各地的户籍改革状况仍然错综复杂。The picture of hukou reform across China remains mixed.

淮河流域省际水事纠纷错综复杂。Water affairs conflicts of Huaihe river is complicated.

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可见,一切都是错综复杂并全息相关的。You see all are intricately and holographically related.

海岸南部是一线排开的里亚式海岸,错综复杂。The southern coastline is an irregular saw-toothed coast.

每到周末你都会面临一堆错综复杂的旅行选择。You are spoiled for choice when it comes to weekends away.

那些润滑过的复印机的种类错综复杂。The categories of the lubricated duplicators are intricate.

因为我不懂得财政的错综复杂。because of the financial intricacies which I won't get into.

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人体每天进行无以数记错综复杂的均衡反应。The body performs any number of intricate balancing acts daily.

泰姬陵的中心墓室错综复杂,占地42英亩。The Taj Mahal itself forms the centerpiece of a 42-acre complex.

不管如何,你的这些螺纹错综复杂的详细资料,不会在改变了。However, the intricate details of your whorls are left to chance.

这就陷入了模拟器中的一个特别错综复杂的逻辑中。This gets into an especially tricky bit of logic in the emulator.

阿耳巴刻斯的性格象错综复杂的蜘蛛网一样。The character of arbaces was one of those intricate and varied webs.

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他正坐在地板上安静地研究错综复杂的军事地图。He was sitting on the floor quietly studying intricate military maps.

格拉斯哥与爱丁堡之间有个错综复杂的道路网。There is a complex network of roads connecting Glasgow and Edinburgh.

但重点是媒体是纷繁复杂的,所以广告业和市场营销平台也错综复杂。Media are fragmenting, and so are advertising and marketing platforms.