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体会它。Experience it.

你体会到每次呼吸吗?Are you experiencing each breath?

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仔细体会一下,还真是如这麽囬事。Carefully taste, really is so back.

我体会过许多一闪而过的希望。Many of those dashed hopes I shared.

我体会到有些东西是符合精益UX的。I think there is something to Lean UX.

你会闻到纸张的味道,体会指尖的触感。You get the smell of paper, the touch.

乔布斯对“被边缘化”深有体会。Jobs knew all about being marginalized.

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关于这点,所罗门王有深刻的体会。King Solomon learned this the hard way.

孙子的军事思想对此体会尤深。Sun Tzu’s military mind knew this well.

他们在会上交流体会。They exchanged experience at the meeting.

我从中深刻体会到了世事变化之快。That taught me how fast things can change.

想要体会带高中生同乐的滋味吗?。Do You Wanna Play With High School Studnet?

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小孩睡羽绒床身体会变弱。A feather bed enervates the body of a child.

要不了多久,可怜的小胖子托曼就要体会到了。As poor 'plump Tommen may be about to learn.

体会那种情绪。Just experience your emotion whatever it is.

我相信他们会记住父亲,儿子对男人间的差距体会得更为深刻了。My son feels the man-sized gap more acutely.

要体会人生。就得多爱几回。To experience life. Much love on a few back.

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你在平时的生活中都曾有过体会Now you've experienced this in your own life.

这一点我可能深有体会。This is perhaps what I have felt most deeply.

我也笑了,因为我能切身体会他们的感受。I smiled because I knew exactly how they felt.