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阿尔伯特何许人也?Albert who?

米兰达·可儿何许人也?Who is Miranda Kerr?

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伊丽莎白.沃伦,何许人也?Who Is Elizabeth Warren?

丹尼尔的神秘女郎究竟是何许人也?Who is Daniel's mystery woman?

然而人们却想知道戴维·卡梅伦为何许人也?Yet people still wonder just who David Cameron is.

政治家是何许人也?政治家是啥玩意儿?N'est pas? Who is a statesman? What is a statesman?

盖茨何许人也?他如此年轻就享誉全球,取得如此巨大的成就,靠的究竟是什么?,Bill。He is so young on the world, has been such a huge success, by what?

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至于罗德里戈-里拉其人,我已经解释过他是何许人也。As for Rodrigo Lira, well, I already explained what had become of him.

一名助手仅仅在书名旁边字迹潦草地写明“总统”,表明借书者是何许人也。An aide simply scrawled 'president' next to the title to show who had taken them out.

当然时至今日,梁文冲不仅知道伍兹何许人也,他更是在呼啸峡取得了比对方更好的成绩。Now, not only does Liang know who Woods is, he easily bettered him at Whistling Straits on Saturday.

如果人们不知道你是何许人也,建立社交网络将难于登天。If people have no idea who you are, then you will have an incredibly hard time building relationships.

这位被加拿大生活彻底改变了政治主张的加籍华裔何许人也?Who is this Chinese Canadian whose political opinion was so radically transformed by his Canadian life experience?

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另一张清单则列出了在我收藏中出现频率最高的艺术家都是何许人也。Another list that was automatically generated from my music showed which artist was best represented in my collection.

在2006年,我注意到Daley和王岐山喝茶,看不出来王老头知道daley何许人也。In 2006, I watched Daley go have tea with Wang Qishan, who was then the mayor of Beijing and is now a vice-premier and top finance boss.

听懂某个词而高兴,听懂而一时想不起何许人也而惋惜,真听力差也。I happy I hear some word, I was troubled by one word I knew its pronunciation I couldn't say what the word was. I'm really weak in listening.

虽说影视作品中它们常表现为不知自己何许人也,但现实的遗忘症通常不会导致这种“自我丢失”。Though having no sense of who you are is a common plot device in movies and television, real-life amnesia generally doesn't cause a loss of self-identity.

记得10年前汉帛在杭州作第一场秀的时候,我还不知道高志伟是何许人也,只在那场秀里看到了深深的张肇达的印记。Remember that 10 years of the Western Han Dynasty silk in Hangzhou for the first show of the time, I don't know who zijinhuacan is, just in the show was seen in deep Zhang Zhaoda imprint.