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当我沮丧时,我的同室室友给我鼓劲。When I get despondent my roommate cheer me up.

没错,这给那些害羞的人鼓劲了。True, this provides encouragement to the timid.

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竞技场内的观众为格斗者欢呼鼓劲。The spectators in the amphitheater cheered the gladiators.

他们来到棒球场为他们的校队鼓劲。They came to the baseball field to root for their school team.

教练的首要工作是给你加油鼓劲,这是任何其他人都无法代替的。Point being, a coach's first job is to motivate you in a way no one else can.

裁判员时刻注意着绳索中间红巾的移动,啦啦队不停在为各班的选手加油鼓劲!The rope middle red alert mobile, cheerleading kept for all classes of players cheer!

球队下半场开局不利,看来格洛斯给队员鼓劲的技巧值得怀疑。Gross's skill in motivation looked in doubt when his side began the second half badly.

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Lincoln站立在停车场的某一根柱子后,做着行动前的准备,给自己鼓劲。Lincoln stands against a pillar in the garage steeling himself in preparation for what he has to do.

她一面跑,一面嘴里还念念有词,为自己鼓劲,想追上我,甚至超越我。She ran, a mouth muttering incantations, for their encouragement, want to overtake me, even beyond me.

为识别,鼓劲和资源,我们都可以参考的时候,使案件的CSS为基础的设计。For recognition, inspiration, and a resource we can all refer to when making the case for CSS -based design.

到时将有许多爱尔兰人会支持墨西哥,他们将身着绿衣为墨西哥加油鼓劲。There will certainly be a lot of Irish supporters for Mexico, and they will be cheering on the team in green!

在这些片段中,田和王身着泳衣,时而高高跃起,时而大力扣杀,时而相互击掌鼓劲。There were Tian and Wang, in red two-piece swimsuits, making dives, spiking the ball and high-fiving each other.

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对于今天赶到球场特意为我们鼓劲的球迷们,我们用一个帽子戏法作为回报,以次来感谢你们的热情。Hats off to the Nerazzurri and a particular thank you to the hordes of fans who made the journey to see us play today.

与美国商界过去阻止华盛顿攻击中国的做法大不相同的是,许多人会为特朗普鼓劲加油。Far from checking Washington's China-bashing, as US businesses have done in the past, many will be cheering Mr Trump on.

如果你知道有人会为你鼓劲加油,期待你的消息,你更有可能坚持自己的计划。If you know others will be cheering you on and waiting to hear from you, you are more likely to stick with your program.

为了给我鼓劲,父亲就给我讲述他年轻时沐浴过的冰冷得难以忍受的冷水浴。To give me courage my father would tell of the unbearably freezing baths he had himself been through in his younger days.

主场迎战埃弗顿的比赛也让我难忘,当时我们0-1落后,正是球迷们的加油鼓劲帮助我们逆转对手,获得胜利。The match against Everton also stays in my mind –we were 1-0 down but they pushed us so hard to help us turn it into a win.

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如果你学着为所完成的工作激励并补偿自己,甚至可以为别人鼓劲打气!If you learn to encourage and compensate yourself for all the major achievements, you can even become an inspiration to others!

马罗礼马上给他鼓劲,称他为“好汉”,会是“登山中一个出色的伙伴。”Mallory had warmed to him immediately, describing him as "a fine fellow", who should, "prove a splendid companion on the mountain.

男孩喜欢橄榄球,虽然在球场上常常是板凳队员,但他的父亲仍然场场不落地前来观看,每次比赛都在看台上为儿子鼓劲。Even though the son was always "warming the bench, " his father was always in the stands cheering. He never missed a football game.