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他们要去笼络新的一百万用户吗?How are they going to get their next million users?

我和你一样,并不想为这位候选人去笼络人心。I'm no more fond of selling such a candidate than you are.

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它们帮助你聊天时打开话匣子,这是笼络人心的第一步。These topics allow you to open a dialog, which is the first step to building a relationship.

而麒麟游戏的研发团队却笼络了行业内的精英。And the group of research and development of kylin game however draw over the elite inside the industry.

队里看她的成分算半个奴隶,又是个憨呼呼的小村姑,就想把她笼络到广大群众中。As Grape is simple-minded young woman classified as a semi-slave, they want to win her over as one of masses.

他的教徒在洛丹伦北部的村庄散播瘟疫,笼络了大量没有思想的亡灵。The cultists spread the plague throughout Lordaeron"s northern villages, amassing a host of mindless undead."

于是党开始笼络知识分子、专业人士和企业家,为他们提供各种实惠和政治地位。It courted the intelligentsia, professionals and entrepreneurs, showering them with perks and political status.

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让开发者从你的产品中得到支持,同时较早的笼络开发者,不失为一个很好的办法。Getting developers in early stages is also a useful approach when it comes to gaining support for your products.

顾华军为了稳住自己在明天的地位,他继续笼络部分董事让他们力鼎自己。Gu Huajun to brace myself in tomorrows position, he went on to win some directors let them force tripod himself.

不走运的是本周他制造出来的这个却没有什么成效,如果他找到什么东西可以笼络人心,那才是真让人担心的呢。Fortunately, the ones he produced this week will make little difference. When he finds some that do, start worrying.

据说梅塞纳斯曾建议奥古斯都通过使阿格里帕成为他的女婿而更加紧密地笼络住他。It is said that Maecenas advised Augustus to attach Agrippa still more closely to him by making him his son-in- law.

武帝也为了笼络住东方朔,思谋着把自己守寡数年的姐姐平阳公主撮合给东方朔为妻。The emperor also to live with their widowed simou dongfangshuo, years of sister princess Pingyang to his wife together.

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职场上很危险的局面,就是老板用理想笼络人,想让人不拿钱白干活。Dangerous workplace situation, the boss with a vision to win over people, want to let people don't take money white work.

下一个是被殖民者的矛盾心理,它也与笼络,有复杂的关系。Then there is the ambivalence of the colonized, and that, too, has to be understood as a complex relation to co-optation.

她恪守封建妇德,而且城府颇深,能笼络人心,待人处事十分的圆滑,上面的疼爱,下面的敬重。She scrupulously abide by the feudal woman, and shrewd is quite deep, can auto, others very tactful, above, below the love.

但观望的时间是有限的,空客和很多新的国外竞争对手,例如中国,正加紧步伐笼络波音主力客户。Airbus, along with a new crop of foreign competitors, namely the Chinese, is aggressively pitching Boeing's anchor customers.

最终,英国人终止了他具有破坏性的洗劫活动,而且成功地笼络到他的一些盟友,并使他们转而反对他。Eventually the British got tired of his disruptive plundering activities and managed to turn some of his allies into enemies.

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职场上很危险的局面,就是老板用理想笼络人,想让人不拿钱白干活。Dangerous workplace situation, the boss with a vision to win over people, want to let people do not spend money on white work.

或以“完全”的立宪面目来取信于民,笼络人心,缓和统治危机。Qing Government tried to win the people"s confidence in order to mitigate its ruling crisis by complete constitutional figure."

此前,国王委任范龙佩为关键调解人,笼络比利时这两个被疏远的地区结成短暂的同盟关系。Previously, the king had employed Van Rompuy as the key intermediary cajoling the two alienated halves of the country into shortlived coalitions.