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许多经济学家预计下一次会议上将减息25个基点。Many economists expect a quarter-point cut at that meeting.

就是在减租减息发动群众上,我们也做了一些工作。We also incited the masses to struggle for rent and interest rates reductions.

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根据路透调查,市场预期欧洲央行在下周会议宣布减息的可能性极低.According to a Reuters poll, there is an outside chance of a rate cut next week.

但是这次减息对经济产生的直接作用很小,因为贷款额依然受限。But the cut will have little direct impact on the economy because lending is limited by quotas.

目前,我们正在期待欧洲央行能减息50个基点,但英国央行不随我们的意愿。已经转向降息75个基点。We are currently expecting a 50bp cut from the ECB, but have shifted our call on the BoE to 75bp.

安化已普遍地减了息,他县亦有减息的事。Interest has been generally reduced in Anhua, and there have been reductions in other counties, too.

短期英镑利率期货亦转在平盘下方,因市场消化了之后的减息将不再那麽积极.Short sterling interest rate futures turned negative as markets priced in less monetary easing ahead.

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欧洲央行决策者也警告投资者不要指望央行继续大举减息。European policy makers also have cautioned investors not to expect further drastic interest-rate cuts.

而在减租减息之外,政府还规定必须交租交息。In addition to reducing rent and interest rates, the government has made the payment of them mandatory.

全球来看,此前减息步伐慢于美联储的央行如今正在迅速跟进。Around the world, central banks that have been slower to cut rates than the Fed are rapidly catching up.

“格林斯潘对策”、减息许诺,如今呈现为保尔森更为直接的纾困。The Greenspan "put", the promise of rate cuts, has now crystallised into Paulson's more explicit bail-out.

美国的减息并不能够像以前那样刺激香港的打工仔去购买房地产。The lower US interest rate won't spike Hong Kong wage earners to borrow and purchase properties like before.

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在每次斗争中、在每次诉苦会上和减租减息运动中,东子都积极带头。In every struggle, in every Speak Bitterness Meeting, in every effort to reduce rents, Tungse was the leader.

较低的商品价格暂时起作用,如果这鼓舞央行减息将效果更佳。Lower commodity prices helped for a while, and may help further if they encourage central banks to cut rates.

美联储周二减息至前所未有的低位,此举可能是推动美国经济走出险境的必要举措。The Fed's move into uncharted territory on Tuesday may be essential to lifting the U.S. economy out of danger.

群众路线作为中共的基本路线,同样被运用到减租减息运动中。The mass line as the CPC's basic line was also applied to the movement of reduction of rent and interest rates.

巴西没有加快减息步伐,因为它需要吸引外资来投资仍处于发展阶段的福利体系和基础设施项目。Brazil hasn't cut rates faster because it needs to attract money to fund a growing welfare system and infrastructure projects.

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外汇市场波动,市场憧美国将停止减息,美元反弹,引发套息活动拆仓。On hopes of US may stop rate cut, currency market turned volatile and US dollar rebounded, which sparked carry trade activity.

减息周期将接近尾声和近期回报率较低,我会对债券看淡。I would under-weigh bonds as US rate reduction cycle is at an end together with their current low yield especially on US treasury.

在这一时期,实行了减租减息,但并未没收地主的土地,故仍然维持一种统一战线形式的政府。In this period, rents were reduced, but landlords were not driven from the land and a kind of United Front government was maintained.