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西夏文佛经是从汉语翻译来的。Tangut version of the Sutra was translated from Chinese.

西夏铜官印1983年出土,为一级文物。Xixia Tongguanshan India unearthed in 1983 for the objects.

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到乡村定居不过是帕里西夏一时兴起的想法。Living in the countryside was only Patricia's passing fancy.

宋政府悉心经营熙河路,目的是为灭亡西夏打基础。To wipe out Xixia , the Song government engaged in Xihelu carefully.

西夏扁壶是在千百年的历史演变中形成的。Xixia flat kettle had been formed through thousands years of history.

其三,西夏为了加大对铜的控制,特设铁钱区。Thirdly, Xixia copper in order to increase control iron district money.

儒学的文化结构,也大都被移植到西夏文化之中。The cultural structure has also been transplanted into the Xixia culture.

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第五,就西夏石窟艺术的历史地位做了探讨。In the end, we investigated the historical role of the Xixia grottoes arts.

西夏文化的多元性体现在诸多方面,如制度、艺术、宗教等等。Many aspects, such as its system, its arts, its religion, embodied this plurality.

早餐后,回银川路上,参观西夏陵墓。After eating breakfast, you will visit the Western Xia Tombs on the way back to Yinchuan.

西夏统治者为了维护其封建统治,制订了各种各样的法律。Xixia feudal rulers in order to maintain its rule. the development of a wide range of laws.

自仁宗朝始,北宋政府在西北地区大量修筑堡寨,以构建防御西夏的军事屏障。Sime Song Renzong Dynasty, the government built lots of mountain fastnesses as military fence.

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文章从西夏字的字形存储、曲线轮廓字的形成进行了系统的研究。The paper studies on the Xixia characters s style of character storage and curvaceous outline.

宋神宗即位后,开始在战略上对西夏采取攻势。Shen Zong Emperor began to assume a strategic offensive to the West Xia after his enthronement.

西夏陵墓的唯一特征是可以明显地看出其等级。The unique characteristics of Western Xia mausoleums are clearly visible on the spiritual terraces.

我将使尽力气拉满雕弓就像满月一样,朝着西北瞄望,射向西夏军队。And I would draw the sculpted bow to a full moon, With a northwest gaze, To shoot the Celestial Wolf.

这些现象的存在,都堪为汉传佛教对西夏产生影响的铁证。All these phenomena can be the convincing evidence of the influence of Chinese Buddhism to Xixia Buddhism.

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屯田是宋军在对西夏作战中粮食补给的重要来源之一。Cultivation was one of the important means in the replenishment of Song's army during the wartime with Xixia.

西夏文化一个突出特点是多元性,这与西夏实行开放的国策密不可分。The most striking feature of Xixia culture is its plurality , which was closely related with its open policy.

第四部分对武威地区发掘的西夏木板画情况进行了列举和分类整理简述。The fourth part of the Wuwei region of Xixia excavation carried out by drawing board and sort out a brief list.