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你可曾感到自己如纸片一样单薄?Do you ever feel, feel so paper-thin?

稚嫩的蜻蜓,潮湿而单薄Fresh-opened dragonflies, wet and flimsy

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他太“固执己见”,太“单薄”。He’s too “opinionated.” He’s too “thin.”

我从我单薄的青春里打马而过。I am weak from my youth in the horse over.

麦克蕾望着她单薄、意志坚定的女儿。McRae looked at her small, determined daughter.

你的感觉是身心单薄乏力。You feel stretched thin, stressed-out, drained.

而现今我恍然跟随的,却是如此单薄的魂灵!And not the thin ghost that I now frailly follow!

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那么,为什么欧洲银行业的资本金会如此单薄?And why are Europe's banks so thinly capitalized?

他扣好单薄的上衣,以便抵挡刺骨的寒风。He buttoned his thin coat against the chilling wind.

他住在用藤条和茅草搭成的单薄房子里。His habitation is flimsy affair of canes and thatch.

我们只穿着我们单薄的囚衣和破鞋子。We only had our thin prison clothes and broken shoes.

视图层比较单薄,它不提供业务逻辑。The View layer is thin and supplies no business logic.

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谁会想到她会这么单薄,这么小!Who would have thought she could be so thin and small!

至少现在衣服盖住了他单薄细长的身体。At least the clothing covered his spindly body for now.

你被动地吸着烟。你是那么脆弱单薄。You are second hand smoke. You are so fragile and thin.

下雪天,不能为追求时尚,穿着单薄。In a snowy day, pls. not wear a little just for fashion.

我经常受惊,为什么有才调的人却只有肤浅单薄的收入。I am constantly shocked at how little talented people earn.

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他经常穿一件单薄的马甲,戴一顶有绶带的高帽。He often wore a simple vest and a cylindrical, tasseled hat.

设计保单并不那么容易,仅仅一条概念太单薄了。It's not easy to devise this and the concept is very simple.

他徒步旅行时穿得有些单薄,因此感觉浑身发冷。He was underdressed for the hiking trip and suffered hypothermia.