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执拗的人是全聋的演说者。A bigot is a stone-deaf orator.

他执拗地拒绝他们的计划。He was obdurate to refuse their plan.

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我过去在阿伦敦时就懂得,顽固执拗是够糟糕的了。Bigotry is bad enough, as I had learned in Allentown.

亨利不只是一个顽固执拗的人,他还是个伪君子。Henry was more than a bigot. He was also a hypocrite.

“躺下,躺下,”了不起的大夫执拗地说。“Lie down, lie down, ” the wonderful doctor insisted.

她的朋友那样执拗,看来真让她受不了啦。The pertinacity of her friend seemed more than she could bear.

不重细节。太执拗于一己之见而缺乏有效的沟通。Ignores incidentals. Too pre-occupied to communicate effectively.

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我想墨丽亚不会转变主张,由于她很执拗。I don't think Julie will change her mind. She's pretty hard-headed.

如果一个人自幼溺爱纵容他的仆人,他将变得顽固而执拗。If a man pampers his servant from childhood, he will turn out to be stubborn.

固有的偏见、执拗的观点与没有观点一样贫瘠可怜。Entrenched prejudices, obdurate opinions are as sterile as no opinions at all.

为此,你们要心受割损,不要再执拗。Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and stiffen your neck no more.

自从执拗的开始运作后,然而,目前世界卫生组织的流行病反应系统运行良好。After the balky start, however, the WHO's pandemic response system is running well.

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她深深懂得男人那股执拗性子,也就不硬去反对这种荒唐想法了。She knew too much of the obstinacy of men to oppose any of their ridiculous humours.

他矮短身材,瘦削结实,身上筋筋节节的,给人的印象是个久经风霜、脾气执拗的人。A short man with a bunched wing body that gave the impression of being gnarled and sour.

湖躺在山脚下,像在执拗者的跟前含泪恳求爱。The lake lies low by the hill, a tearful entreaty of love at the foot of the inflexible.

黑色球鞋的使用者可能是你那在俱乐部渡过整个职业生涯的执拗的队长。Having been at the club all his senior career, black boots might be your gnarly team captain.

余则成心想,这便是他第一次望着她时,在她眼神中发现的那股子执拗。Yu thought this was exactly the stubbornness he had seen in her eyes the first time they met.

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这位白发军官双目炯炯有神,眉宇间露出一副执拗的凶相。The elderly white-haired officer had the gnarled and menacing brow and blazing, powerful eyes.

沈从文执拗地称自己为“乡下人”,这一自许源于他的以“民间”为主体的文化资源。Shen Congwen called himself "a country folk", which originated from his folk cultural resources.

执拗的欲望能够毁掉我们所有的人生计划,从而改变我们的命运。A single rogue desire can trample the plans we had for our lives and thereby alter our destinies.