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阅兵式上展示了米格-29战机、地空导弹、T-72坦克等。During the military parade, the Mig -29 aircraft, surface-, T-72 tanks were displayed.

仿真法是进行地空导弹武器系统可靠性研究的有效途径。Simulation is an efficient approach to reliability research for missile weapon systems.

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可靠性是地空导弹武器系统的重要性能指标之一。Reliability is an important performance index of the ground-to-air missile weapon system.

五角大楼说,112枚发自美英军舰及潜艇的巡航导弹击中了利比亚20处地空导弹和通讯设施。S. and British ships and submarines hit 20 Libyan surface to air missile and communication sites.

地空导弹对空威胁级别的量化是任务规划系统首要解决的问题。The discretization of ground-to-air missile threat level is the first problem in Mission Planning System.

如果大陆部署了射程达到195公里的PMU-2型防空导弹,整个台湾岛都会处在中国人民解放军的地空导弹覆盖范围之中。If they deploy PMU-2 missiles with their 195km range then the whole island will be within PLA SAM coverage.

地空导弹武器系统的连续射击能力是影响其作战效能的重要因素之一。The continuous salvo capability for surface to air missile have a great influence on its firing efficiency.

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基于对机动作战地空导弹战场生存能力的分析,建立了其综合评价指标体系。Based on the analysis of the mobile ground-to-air missile viability, its integrated evaluation index system.

地空导弹混编群的生存能力将直接制约着其作战能力的有效发挥。The survivability of ground to air missile composite groups will restrict its combat ability to exert directly.

空中目标航迹分析是地空导弹火力运用的前提和重要依据。The aerial target track analysis is the basis and important reference of the ground-to-air missiles s fire control.

以某型远程地空导弹为背景,研究了以姿控发动机作为执行机构下导弹的姿态控制问题。In this paper, an attitude control method using side jets of a kind of long-distance air defense missile is studied.

莫斯科也已经告知他要向伊朗提供地空导弹而无视美国反对。Moscow has also signalled that it would supply Tehran with new surface-to-air missiles in defiance of US opposition.

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炮、地空导弹武器系统为基本装备,遂行对空作战任务。Yes. We're short on both mortars and antiaircraft guns for the Dutch army and automatic rifles for the Belgian Army.

介绍了地空导弹武器系统标校与维护用自动测试系统,叙述了系统的组成、原理及其在多种场合的应用。The automatic test system of calibration and maintenance for ground-to-air missile weapon system is introduced in this paper.

采用极化平均的思想,建立了在防空作战中地空导弹系统与空袭目标作战的攻防对抗简化模型。The theory of extreme average is used to construct a simplified model between ground-to-air missile system and air attack targets.

在地空导弹杀伤区内的各空域点上,制导误差系统分量的存在是一个普遍的客观事实。It is a common and objective fact that system components of guidance error exist in each air-space point within the killing zone of SAM.

红外寻的导引头点目标及面目标的检测是地空导弹和航空导弹的关键技术。The detection of small target image for infrared homing guidance head are the crucial techniques for ground-air and surface-air missiles.

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综合国内外资料对其多个分系统进行了性能初步分析,并与”爱国者”地空导弹武器系统等进行了对比。After synthesizing domestic and foreign information, primary performance analysis and comparison with Patriot air defense system are given.

从计算结果可以看出,作为抗击武器直升机的武器系统,某型便携式地空导弹具有较高的作战效能。From the calculate result, as the anti-helicopter weapon system, one portable air defense missile possess higher operational effectiveness.

确定火力单元配置间距是建立地空导弹部队战斗部署的重要环节。It is an important step to decide the disposition interval of fire units in constructing battle disposition of ground-to-air missile force.