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橡木长椅不仅仅是歇脚的地方。The oak bench was not just a foot rest.

他们在一家小餐馆歇脚,吃了顿干酪火锅。They stopped at a little cafe and had a fondue.

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我们找到一处矮石墙的残垣,歇了歇脚。We found a perch on the ruins of a low stone wall.

人生如客栈,路人在此歇脚,而后又走。Life is like a inn, passers-by in the rest, then go.

为了缓解沙漠之渴,我来到了一家木屋旅馆歇脚。I stopped at an old log hotel to quench a desert thirst.

当时正好中午要歇脚,我们决定到清凉宜人的溪水中洗个澡。It WAS the noon halt, and we decided to bathe in the cool, inviting stream.

当时它是连接东西方的著名丝绸之路上的一个歇脚点。It was a stopping point on the famous Silk Road between the East and the West.

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上元年间,是杜甫晚年漂泊生涯中的一个歇脚期。The period of Shangyuan is a rest stop for Du Fu in his late years of vagrant life.

努了一把力,他登上靠近悬崖的一小块空地,坐在石头上歇脚。With an effort, he reached a small spot near a cliff, where he sat on a rock to rest.

在路边那每个陌生的旅人都可以站立的阴凉下,我只是谦卑地歇一歇脚。I humbly took my shelter under the wayside shade where every strange traveller may stand.

少女阿梅丽号的船员都很熟悉这个小岛,这是他们常常歇脚的地方。The island was familiar to the crew of The Young Amelia,--it was one of her regular haunts.

这里是你的足塌,你歇脚的地方是那生活着最贫穷,最卑微和最迷茫者的住所。Here is thy footstool and there rest thy feet where live the poorest and lowliest , and lost.

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对这些旅行者来说,道路就是他们的家,圣地或者亲属的房子不过是个歇脚处而已。For these wayfarers , home is the open road, and a caern or Kinfolk's house is a mere rest stop.

两名游客在马尔代夫拍到了乌鸦在屋顶歇脚”抽烟”的一幕。A pair of crows has been photographed taking a break on the Maldives with a packet of cigarettes.

当车经过佐治亚州南部后,棕榈树已渐渐淡出,我们在一家麦当劳歇脚。Sometime after the palm trees ran out, somewhere in southern Georgia, we stopped at a McDonald’s.

它们也携带少量的甲克类生物,无疑能为大海上的鸟类提供歇脚的地方。It also carried minute crustaceans, no doubt grateful for a foothold of any kind on this huge sea.

或许你手中装满葡萄酒的玻璃杯也需要一个歇脚的地方。Probably the place that replete vinous glass also needs a stop on the way for a rest in your hand.

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他有一所很不错的小房子,我会在那儿给你留一个小卧室,以备你随时歇脚之用。He' s got a nice little house, and I'll keep a little bedroom there for you to use whenever you want.

看著老妹快瘫的表情,加上自己的脚也开始发抖了,决定找地方歇脚,明天再努力。Looking at my dying sister and our shaking legs, we decided to look for a hostel and return tomorrow.

有一次,他又借到了一袋米,背到半路上背不动了,只好在路旁歇脚。Once he borrowed another bag of rice. He carried it half- way and couldn't go any further, so he rested by the roadside.