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本案属于那种极少数案例之一。This is one of those rare cases.

判令被上诉人承担本案诉讼费用。To order the cost to be borne by the Appelle.

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警方不会按违规行为对待本案。Police are not treating the case as foul play.

在本案中,纳夫塔利斯是一位律师,也仅仅是一位律师而已。Naftalis is being a lawyer here, and nothing more.

法官阁下,我在本案代表原告人出庭。Sir, I appear on behalf of the plaintiff in this case.

当然,这反映了本案的独特性。That, of course, reflects the peculiarities of the case.

曾否尝试以调解方式解决本案之争议?A7. Have you attempted to resolve the dispute by mediation?

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被告否认在本案中有不当行为。The defendant disclaims any improper activity in this case.

第四部分对本案中合同纠纷的实质进行了分析。The fourth part analyses the essence of this contract dispute.

他们正在详细查阅所有与本案有关的旧档案。They are digging into all the old files connected with this case.

所有与本案有关的证据均应搜集和分析。All evidence relevant to the case should be gathered and analyzed.

逃犯拉菲。菲利普是本案的首要嫌疑犯。Fugitive Ralph " Bucky " Phillips is considered the prime suspect.

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波和二现在被警方拘留,无法获得他对本案的评论。Mr. Nami, now detained by police, couldn't be reached for comment.

本案证实了我们的执法范围遍及全球各地。This case affirms that law enforcement is active across the globe.

其中7人被判处有罪,但是没有一个人在狱中待到了6年以上,而被认为是本案主使的基伦却被宣判无罪。Seven were convicted, but none served more than six years in prison.

本案于5月23日起在该州克莱卡马斯县巡回法庭开始审理。The case goes to trial on Tuesday in Clackamas County Circuit Court.

本案原告是米菲的版权拥有者Mercis传媒公司。The case was brought by Mercis Media, Bruna's copyright management firm.

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案情发生的上述变化可能影响到本案提出的法律争点。This change in the underlying facts may affect the legal issues presented.

最后通过分析本案实际情况,得出被告人完全具有受贿罪主体资格的结论。According the fact of the case, the defendant is the subject of bribe crime.

因此,更确切地说,本案应该是“矿金峡谷诉莫顿”。This suit would therefore be more properly labeled as Mineral King v. Morton.