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该隐作神眼中看为恶的事。Cain, did evil in God's sight.

她在人群中看不见她儿子了。She lost her son in the crowd.

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灯塔在大雾中看不见。The lighthouse is invisible in the heavy fog.

我在曙色朦胧中看不清他们的脸。I couldn't see their faces clearly in the twilight.

一座破旧不胜的、古老的灰色小石桥映中看帘。B broken small old grey stone bridge came into sight.

他想要,他想要这个,我从他的贼眼中看得出。He wants it. He needs it. Sméagol sees it in his eye.

岂不在眼中看如无有吗。is it not in your eyes in comparison of it as nothing?

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正如卡列班在镜中看不见自身的狂怒。Is the rage of Caliban not seeing his own face in a glass.

因此,我们在光谱中看不到,分立的谱线。So that's why we're not seeing separate lines in this spectrum.

亚撒行耶和华他神眼中看为善为正的事。Asa did what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God.

任何人和任何事从一定距离或者仅一瞥中看总是正常。Everyone and everything seems normal from a distance, or at a glance.

克劳森女士说,2007年令人鼓舞的趋势可以从两个例子中看出来。Eileen Claussen says two stories sum up the encouraging trends in 2007.

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这种器皿中看不中用。This ware is suitable for decorative purpose but unsuitable for utility.

他无法在发布的季报中看出我们的财务需求。He would have no visibility into our financial needs in any given quarter.

我在想,为什么我在镜子中看不到自己的身体呢You know, I'm thinking thoughts like, "Why can't I see my body in the mirror?

神朝那个微型花园中看去。她一直盯着那些画看着。The god looked inside the miniature garden. She looked close at the paintings.

从英文和中文圣经中看不出,这里用了两个不同的希腊文动词。Neither the English nor the Chinese indicate that two Greek verbs are used here.

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此时场镜上的划痕和小点会在接目镜中看见。Then the scratches and spots on the field lens would be visible at the eye lens.

我们现在可以在VOB的组件列表中看见新的组件,test_assets。We now see the new component, test_assets, in the list of components in the VOB.

除了大桥壮观的桥身,我在云遮雾罩中看不清什么。Apart from the impressive bridge structure, I could not see much through the cloud.