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我的丈夫是一名铁路职工。Her husband was a customs officer.

岳阳市中医院现在干部职工976人。Now the hospital has 976 staff members.

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我是辽河油田一名退休职工。I am a retired employee in Liaohe Oilfield.

由公司补贴的职工食堂是员工福利之一。Subsidised canteen is one of staff benefits.

由公司补贴的职工食堂是员工福利之一。Subsidized canteen is one of staff benefits.

他们已经精疲力尽,”一名医院职工说。They are exhausted," says a hospital regular.

韩允起叫住一位年轻职工询问。Han Yun, a young employee asked since stopped.

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新来的职工被安排到邮件收发室了。They assigned the new worker to the mail room.

用人单位应当建立职工名册备查。It shall set up a roll of workers for reference.

被委托人应是投资主办单位职工。The client shall be the employee of the sponsor.

愤怒的职工对公司大发牢骚。Angry staffs swamped the company with complaints.

由公司补贴的职工食堂是员工福利之一。E. g. Subsidised canteen is one of staff benefits.

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我今年27岁。我毕业于一所职工大学。I am 27. I was graduated in a employee university.

职工食堂在正午12点至下午2点时供给午餐。The canteen serves meals between 12 noon and 2 pm.

该组织将为退休职工支付健康保障费用。This VEBA would pay health care costs for retirees.

广大职工要转变就业观念。Workers should change their ideas about employment.

但这并不完全是由于职工储蓄。But this is not all because of workers saving money.

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许多退休职工都希望有一个无忧无虑的晚年。Many a retired worker has hoped for a secure old age.

职工的人数从一万二千人降到了一万人。She lives in a ten thousand strong Chinese community.

你把那钱给下岗职工好不好?Why don't you give the money to the laid-off workers?