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权将其理解成一种流行趋势的图解吧。Consider it a diagram of a trend.

他给一种新电脑做图解。He diagrammatized a new computer.

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下面是Xyz对象的图解Here is the diagram of the object Xyz

本文介绍了一种新的图解方法。A new graphic method is metioned below.

这是一个典型的反应堆的图解。This is a graphic of a typical reactor.

一个典型的燃气涡轮喷气发动机图解。Diagram of a typical gas turbine jet engine.

英汉。英英。彩色。图解牛津当代大辞典。The new Oxford illustrated English-Chinese dictionary.

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图解建筑体上的每座山头代表一座超大城市。Each hill of the diagram building represents a mega-city.

这里是轨道控制器的图解。There is a schematic representation of the orbital controller.

上述各个图解表明了与分格的某种联系。The diagrams above indicate some connection with tessellations.

利用图解外推法计算了晶格参数。Their lattice parameters were computed by extrapolation method.

上图是与供应商无关的通用图解。The above diagram is a general illustration that is vendor-neutral.

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如果我们图解一下,这里又是一个示意图Now, if we look at this schematically and so again this is a schematic.

戴恩本人就特别热衷的群图解的倡导者。Dehn himself was a particularly enthusiastic advocate of group diagrams.

这些见解归纳在从韦恩和福西特复制的一个图解上。These ideas are summarized in a diagram reproduced from Wain and Fawcett.

文中还举例说明了图解的使用方法。An example is properly given to explain the correct use of the homographs.

在有关成因图解中这些数据主要位于CO_2还原途径成气范围内。The values fall in the field of CO2 reduction pathway on genetic diagrams.

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当他向我展示图表、图解,以加减、乘除与测量。When I was shown the charts and diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them.

图解方法特别适用于起伏大的构造。This graphical technique is particularly applicable to high-relief structures.

对新种作了拉丁文及汉文描述和图解。Latin and Chinese descriptions and illustrations are given for the new species.