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向西或到什么别的地方去勘探。Explore westward or wherever.

他们勘探了每一片地方。They explored every part of it.

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勘探,也叫合作开发。Co-exploration, also called co-development.

地电勘探是初步的。The Report by Geoelectricity is preliminary.

我喜欢把它叫做非评价性勘探。I like to call it non-evaluative exploration.

最后对勘探远景作出评价。Exploration prospectives is evaluated at last.

它还将鼓励进一步的生物勘探。It will also encourage further bio-prospecting.

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一个大规模的石油勘探计划正在近海展开。A big program of oil exploration has begun offshore.

研究区属油气勘探的空白区。Target region is a Oil-Gas exploration of blank region.

车西洼陷南斜坡勘探前景广阔。The south slope of Chexi depression has a good potential.

他们正在采用一种新的勘探方法寻找石油。They are using a new prospecting method to quest for oil.

从电性上分析塔盆北缘有三套地层,这对油气勘探有重要意义。This is important for oil and gas exploration in the area.

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勘探层位以石炭系和二叠系为主。Main stratums of exploration are Permian and Carboniferous.

19世纪50年代许多人在加利福尼亚勘探金矿。Many people prospected for gold in California in the 1850s.

勘探能力将突破1万亿立方米的大关。The exploration capacity would hit 1 trillion cubic meters.

主要勘探目的层是第三系的沙河街组地层。The main exploration target is the Tertiary Shahejie Group.

反演方面的研究是瑞雷波勘探的核心。Inversion research is the core of Rayleigh wave exploration.

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多波多分量地震勘探可以提供更多的信息。Multi-component seismic exploration may give more information.

对添加协作工具的勘探是显著的。The prospects for adding to collaborative tools are fantastic.

孟岗集洼陷是东濮凹陷内勘探程度最低的地区。Menggangji sag is a region least explored in Dongpu depression.