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冰雪聪明。Ice snow clever.

因为她知道我冰雪聪明!She knew I am smart!

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冰雪砌的台阶崩塌了。A snow step avalanched.

鞋上的冰雪化开了。Ice and snow feel cold.

我是个冰雪聪明的女孩。I am an ice snow smart girl.

是你的万种柔情融化冰雪。Your tenderness melted the ice.

我真是个冰雪聪明的人!I'm really a ice snow clever man!

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最好的办法是坐着往下滑,让冰雪把你带到山底。The best was to sit down and slide.

北风苔原场大部分地区都被冰雪覆盖。Most of the Borean Tundra is empty ice.

秋观红叶,冬踏冰雪。Red leaves in autumn and snow in winter.

冰雪大世界里有好多冰滑梯,我们玩得可开心了!We had a lot of fun with the ice slides.

她是个冰雪聪明的女孩,很招人喜欢。She is a smart, innocent, and lovely girl.

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是谁洒下雪花,是谁让冰雪融化?Who scatters snowflakes? Who melts the ice?

“喜马拉雅”在藏语中是“冰雪之乡”的意思。"Himalaya" means "abode of snow" in Tibetan.

登山者必须防备冰雪。The mountain climber started to hyperventilate.

冰雪覆盖的世界分外妖娆。The world of ice and snow especially enchanting.

探险者们敢于冒北方冰雪严寒的危险。The explorers dared the dangers of the ice north.

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绿岛的大部分是被冰雪覆盖着的。Most of the Greenland is covered with lots of ice.

这些水接着会结冰是冰雪的道路变厚。This water then freezes and thickens the ice road.

冰雪融化从两个方面影响反照率。Melting of snow and ice affects albedo in two ways.