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他为斯都克市队踢球。He plays for Stoke.

我们了解他们踢球的方式。We know how they play.

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他倾心付出他的一切来踢球。He played his heart out.

嘿,你知道怎么踢球吗?Hey, Basca, you know how?

蹴鞠,就是用足去踢球。Cuju, is to use enough to play.

在下季,我仍会留在阿积士踢球。I will play at Ajax next season.

和塞斯克一起踢球就像是一个梦。Playing with Cesc is like a dream.

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我的孙子都在踢球。All of my grandsons play for teams.

你怎样看待踢球时的贝利?What have you seen of Pele in action?

蹴鞠,就是用足去踢球。Cuju means to kick the ball with feet.

作为一名球员,我只为俱乐部踢球。As players, you just play for the club.

在这种情况下,踢球部位偏离中心。In this case, the impact is off-centre.

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哦,杰梅,你为阿森纳踢球,是吗?Oh, Jermaine, you play for Arsenal, yeah?

跟孩子们在院子里踢球。Playing kickball in the yard with my kids.

我们踢球从来不用付场地费!We don't need to pay for the soccer match!

这些球员没有一个有着长的踢球年限。None of these players has a long shelf-life.

无可否认,我真希望他们能像英格兰一样踢球。I hope they can play like the England I know.

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难道阿根廷人用自己的肘部踢球?Do Argentinians play soccer with their elbows?

蒂索内是在意大利踢球的阿根廷人。Tissone is Argentine with an Italian passport.

咱们瞅见他在草场踢球。He was seen to play football on the playground.