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观众捧腹大笑。Big audience laugh.

那个故事真使我捧腹大笑。That story really cracked me up.

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滑稽的影片常逗得我们捧腹大笑。A funny movie often makes us laugh.

令人捧腹大笑的台词!Has priceless laugh-out-loud lines.

这是一个让人捧腹大笑的故事。This is a very sidesplitting story.

海军军官捧腹大笑,连费伯也微微地笑了。The naval officer cackled and Faber smiled.

吃饭的时候不要捧腹大笑哦。Don't make belly laughs when you have a meal.

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在最初的愤怒后,他开始捧腹大笑。After initially being angry, he just laughed it off.

那个胖子捧腹大笑之余,拍了他朋友的背部。The fat man guffawed and slapped his friend at the back.

因为有时,你会为故事的情节捧腹大笑,但更多的时候,你会为它哭泣。Sometimes you will be, but at other times you will be crying.

所以,南瓜赛跑令得观众捧腹大笑。Consequently, the race has the audience rolling in the aisles.

他那天的表现真有那么令人捧腹大笑吗?Was his performance that day really so laugh -out-loud funny ?

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因为苏珊的笑话,他们都被弄得捧腹大笑。They broke into a lot of belly laughs because of Susan's jokes.

因此,它爆发出如铙钹发出的叮当声一般的山羊的捧腹大笑。So he laughed an uproarious goat-laugh, like the clanging of cymbals.

他把金斯利博士的举止模仿得惟妙惟肖,令我们大家捧腹大笑。We all laughed at his hitting off exactly the behaviour of Dr Kingsley.

他在剧中扮演狗子这么好以致我们都捧腹大笑。He acted the dog so well in the play that we all had a good laugh over it.

当他在那样的场合捧腹大笑时,房间里的人都吃了一惊。E RU everybody in the room surprised at him as he guffawed on the occasion.

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这个喜剧演员真棒,把观众逗得捧腹大笑。The comedian was very good indeed. He had the audience rolling in the aisles.

第四,常看令你捧腹大笑的喜剧、小品或者相声。Fourthly, you should see some interesting comedy, opusculum or comic dialogue.

那天晚上,她睡在了我的床上,我们依偎着,拥抱在一起,捧腹大笑。That night, she came to sleep in my bed, and we snuggled and hugged, cracking each other up.