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晚唐五代时期。Late Tang & Five Dynasties.

五代人同照,从耄耋老人到吃奶的婴儿。It includes five generations from the aged to babies.

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这种手艺已经传了五代。The craft has been passed down over five generations.

梁唐晋,及汉周,称五代,皆有由。Liang, Tang, Jin, Han and Zhou were called "Five Dynasty".

五代中央官学的研究是深入进行五代研究的必要内容。The research into the central school in Five Dynasty is ne.

就像加德纳蜜桃场的主人已经是农场的第五代人了。For example, the owners of Gardner Peach Farms were fifth generation.

五代的文化政策历来不为史家所重视。Historians always underestimate the cultural policy of the Five Dynasties.

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隋唐五代时期是我国园艺业发展史上的重要时期。Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties were important time for Chinese horticulture.

马楚政权是五代十国时期以今湖南地区为主建立的一个地方割据政权。Ma-Chu Kingdom was a state at Hunan Province in China's Wudai-Shiguo Period.

据说五代时期,有一个叫李邺的人。It is said that during the Five Dynasties Period, there was a man called Li Ye.

从而总结出五代时期通贡贸易的一些特点。Thus summed up some features of the Tribute-trade in the Five Dynasties period.

五代吴越和南宋王朝都曾在这里定都。Five Wu all has ever chosen site for capital here with south Sung dynasties more.

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定窑瓷最初出现在五代时期,盛于北宋初。The Ding Kiln porcelain appears at first in the Five Kingdoms period in ancient China.

而美国的第五代战机则需要减速然后发射导弹。The US fifth-generation aircraft can not do this and has to decelerate for the purpose.

元朝的开创皇帝,他也是第五代的蒙古年夜汗。The geneses emperor of Yuan Dynasty, he is also the fifth generation Mongolia big sweat.

“词”这种文学体式成型于唐朝、成熟于五代、盛于宋朝。The form took shape in the T'ang and reached maturity during the Five Dynasties and Sung.

唐末至五代,舟曲境仍在吐蕃势力范围。To the late Tang and Five Dynasties, Zhouqu Tibetan sphere of influence is still habitat.

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唐末五代,泉州港已不时有蕃舶往来。The Tang end Five Dynasties, the Quanzhou port often had the flourishing ship intercourse.

陈子昂是隋唐五代巴蜀最优秀的散文家之一。Chen Ziang is one of the most outstanding prose writers in the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties.

五代元素的五种当中的每一种元素代表一个不同的方式去解决冲突。Each of the five elements of the Godai represent a different approach to resolving conflicts.