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我们研读不同的经文。We read from different texts.

我们每天做的只是研读。All that we do every day is study.

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我真得安下心来好好研读这本书了。I really must get down to reading the book.

研读同一个雇主的其他招聘广告。Peruse other job ads from the same employer.

我认真研读了原始文献和二手资料。I pored over primary and secondary literature.

天哪,我以后没准儿还要去研读那些给捐款人写的狗屎报告。My God, I might have to read those damned donor reports.

紧跟着,教导你的孩子们自己研读圣经。Then, teach your children to study the Bible for themselves.

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他们把它作为19世纪传道者研读的书来学习。They study it as 19th-century evangelists studied the Bible.

在IBM研究中心待了一段时间后,他到康奈尔大学研读博士后。After some time at IBM Research, he did a post-doc at Cornell.

那个家伙研读过极限编程,并且对之很赞同。This guy had read up on XP and was pretty much in favor of it.

仔细研读获得过奥斯卡最佳编剧奖的剧本,找到一种能体会什么样的剧本可以造就精彩电影的感觉。Get a feel for the kind of screenplay that makes a great movie.

自己找一本格式编排的书,然后反复研读。Get yourself a formatting book and read it over-and-over again.

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他希望会有那么一天可以在哈佛大学继续研读。Someday, he hopes to continue his studies at Harvard University.

只有当你简短地研读过之,你才能同意这项合约。You can not agree to the contract until you make a brief perusal.

我去看他时,见他正在仔细研读恩格斯的<反杜林论>。When I called on him, I found him poring over Engels's Anti-Duhring.

她对于梦及潜意识的研读对她的情绪智商有很大的帮助。Her study of dreams and the subconscious had improved her EQ greatly.

其实,这也是我刚刚开始研读灵枢时的问题。Well, that was also my question when I first started studying Ling Shu.

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同时,Schleicher参观了许多学校并且认真研读了相关数据。Meanwhile, Schleicher visited dozens of schools and pored over the data.

我想要当个采矿工程师,所以我应当研读岩石学及工程学。I want to be a mining engineer, so I ought to study petrology and engineer.

司各特现在正为即将来临的考试努力研读数学和物理。Scott is now boning up on mathematics and physics for the coming examinations.