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这儿有两卷零散的百科全书。Here are two-odd volumes of an encyclopedia.

非零散过程有多不可预测?How unpredictable are non-trivial processes?

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迪丹吉听到枪声变得越来越零散。Dingee heard the firing becoming more sporadic.

林徽因的小说理论虽然零散,却十分具有现代性。Lin Huiyin's fiction theory is of great modernity.

多数银行不喜欢收拾零散的鸡蛋。Most banks hate the idea of having to unscramble eggs.

每块记忆材料是由一些零散孤立的信息所组成的。Chunking consists of grouping separate bits of information.

我们并没有对能源管理进行规划,都是零散的。Our fractured landscape for energy governance was not planned.

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到当时为止,边境上的攻击只是些零散的前哨战。So far the border attacks were only scattered outpost actions.

第二个部份则是零散密法的总汇。The second part was the collection of scattered Tantric teachings.

整合资源,将零散的资源整合起来。The integration of resources, will be scattered resources together.

但是,目前古代汉语同义词的研究还比较零散和薄弱。But the ancient Chinese synonyms research is weak in dribs and drabs.

我将午夜无眠时零散的思绪和记忆随手记下。I jotted down stray thoughts and memories in the middle of the night.

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纵向上隔层分布稳定,夹层分布零散。The restraining barrier is more steady than the interbed in vertical.

林徽因的小说理论虽然零散,却十分具有现代性。Though unsystematic, Lin Huiyin's fiction theory is of great modernity.

比如,用什么方式将零散部件拼装在一起?What, for example, is approach to putting together an unassembled item?

万物复苏的春日,湛蓝的天空上漂浮着几朵零散的云彩。Recovery of all things spring, blue sky floating Jiduo scattered clouds.

把捆着的报纸扔到废物回收箱里,但零散的那些先留着。Take the bound newspapers to the recycling bin, but leave the loose ones.

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大部分海床都为海泥和零散的沙洲所覆盖。Much of the seabed is covered by marine mud with some scattered sand banks.

这些零散的时间将会慢慢的聚集在一起并增加你的知识。These small patches of time will quickly add up and increase your knowledge.

安装迅速,每一个接合器可取代多达10个零散的硬件。It can be easily installed and can replace round 10 parts for each connector.