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人造毛皮镶边的按钮关闭。Button off faux fur trim.

懒散麂皮镶边的牛仔桶形状。Slouchy denim bucket shape with suede trim.

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“我要送些镶边小手帕,”贝思说。"Some handkerchiefs, all hemmed , " said Beth.

她的袖子用蓝色窄条镶边。Her sleeves are bordered with narrow blue bands.

她给连衣裙的领口和袖口镶边。She braided the neckline and cuffs of the dress.

摔倒时额头碰在了路边镶边石上。He hit his forehead against the kerb when he fell.

他摔倒时额头碰在了路边镶边石上。He hit his forehead against the kerb when he fell.

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成为一个良好的冰鲜鸡尾酒玻璃镶边与盐。Into a well-chilled cocktail glass rimmed with salt.

在雾中他用手杖摸索街道的镶边石。In the fog he felt for the kerb with his walking stick.

半重瓣白和蓝色花,绿色镶边。斑叶白脉叶。迷你型。Trees shed their leaves, and flowers shed their petals.

⊙、智慧是宝石,如果用谦虚镶边,就会灿烂夺目。Wisdom is a gem, if use modest edge, will be brilliant.

女裁缝用褶裥饰边给女上衣镶边。The seamstress bound the hem of the dress with a ruffle.

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智慧是宝石,如果用谦虚镶边,就会更加灿烂夺目。——高尔基。Wisdom is a gem, if use modest edge, will be more brilliant.

二战德军装甲部队的军装,没有镶边。For unmounted units, the WWII German Panzer two piece uniform.

穆罕默德的玉玺就是一枚银环镶边的阴雕红玉髓。Muhammad's seal was an engraved Cornelian set in a silver ring.

用镶边、系带和流苏装饰朴素的床罩和窗帘。Embellish basic covers and curtains with borders, ties and fringing.

智慧是宝石,如果用谦逊镶边,就会更加灿烂夺目。Wisdom is a gemstone. If set with modesty it will be more brilliant.

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智慧是宝石,如果用谦虚镶边,就会更加灿烂夺目。——高尔基。Wisdom is a gem, if with modesty, it will be more brilliant. – Golgi.

智慧是宝石,如果用谦虚镶边,就会更加灿烂夺目。Wisdom is a gemstone. If set with modesty, it will be more beautiful.

他的银镶边眼镜在他的黑暗头发中重读了一些灰色条理。His silver-rimmed glasses accented a few gray streaks in his dark hair.