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越过墙外高踞天空。Up in the air and over the wall.

这个国王自以为高踞于法律之上。The king thought himself above the law.

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高踞玉座的上帝。待我回过头来。To the white throne of God, I turned at last.

这部电影上周高踞票房榜首。That movie topped the box office last weekend.

小村庄高踞于群山之中。The little village perches high among the hills.

同胞把我们离弃,祂高踞宝座可否听到?Yet, if fellow-men desert us, will He hearken from His Throne?

人权问题没有高踞盖特纳的议程,这不足为奇。Not surprisingly , human rights weren't high on Geithner's agenda.

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茅台,从此走上世界舞台,从此高踞世界三大名酒的宝座。Maotai, from now on to the world stage, and live on three world famous throne.

埃米莉•布伦特正高踞在印地安岛之巅,自得于自己的道德修养之中。Emily Brent sat on the summit of Indian Island, encased in her own armour of virtue.

1970年,茱迪.哥连斯演唱的「奇异恩典」高踞北美流行榜头二十位。In 1970 Judy Collins's rendition of "Amazing Grace" was a top-20 hit in North America.

其中有一个高个儿的浅黄色头发的小伙子,身穿纯蓝色外衣,高踞于众人之上。One of them, a tall, flaxen -headed fellow, in a clean, blue long coat was standing over the rest.

头上长角的黑色怪物高踞在岩顶上,远望着一大群人团团围住绞架也是这样。So was the black, horned thing seated aloof on a rock, surveying a distant crowd surrounding a gallows.

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而高踞于这个有28.5万名员工的庞然大物最顶端的人是卢英德,百事的总裁及首席执行官。At the top of this mammoth company which employs 285,000 people is Indra Nooyi, its chairman and chief executive.

在另一个排名的最后,爱尔兰在贷存比中高踞首位毫不奇怪。At the other end of the scale, it is no surprise to find Ireland at the top for the highest loan-to-deposit ratios.

此时,这条路的全部意义就在这里----它是通向艾希礼和那幢美丽的像希腊神殿般高踞于山冈上的白圆柱房子。That was all the road meant now—a road to Ashley and the beautiful white-columned house that crowned the hill like a Greek Temple.

国王高踞宝座,他稍稍示意,宝座之下的一扇门就会打开,被告从那儿走出来,走进公审场。The king sat high up on his ceremonial chair. He gave a sign. A door under him opened. The accused person stepped out into the arena.

在英国成年人选择的女性偶像中,戴安娜王妃高踞首位。怀恩豪斯排名第二,她今年获得了三项英国作曲家协会音乐奖提名。The top heroines were Diana, Princess of Wales, followed by Winehouse , who has been nominated for three Ivor Novello Awards this year.

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在石坊两根中柱下部的东西两面,都蹲着一只圆雕的雄狮,高踞于底座基石上。Shihfang column in the lower part of two sides of things, are squatting a lion sculpture in the round, has remained the cornerstone in the base.

他右手拿着象牙和黄金制成的胜利的标志,左手握着镶嵌着各种贵重金属的节杖,一只雄鹰高踞在节仗之上。In his right hand a figure of Victory made from ivory and gold. In his left hand, his scepter inlaid with all metals, and an eagle perched on the sceptre.

中印战争的记忆依旧鲜活的萦绕在达旺河谷,那里风光优美天高云淡,高踞于喜马拉雅山脉东南侧。MEMORIES of a war between India and China are still vivid in the Tawang valley, a lovely, cloud-blown place high on the south-eastern flank of the Himalayas.