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譬如说,山羊阴囊火锅,有人想尝尝吗?Goat-scrotum hotpot, anyone?

我们可以吃鸳鸯火锅。We can eat a Chinese Fondue.

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火锅?像日本的涮涮锅吗?Is it like the Japanese shabu shabu?

蓝波斯菊鲜汤火锅凭什么成功突围?Why KOSMOS soup pot breakout success?

小吉爱吃比萨,但更爱吃咱中国的火锅。Ji Xiangloves hot pot more then Pizza.

他是一个出色的篮板手和火锅手。He is a great rebounder and shot blocker.

请问现在火锅赚钱吗。Does excuse me chaffy dish make money now.

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煮火锅时用白汤煮味道很鲜。The soup that mom cooked tastes very good!

我们吃的是放了牛肉、虾子、鱿鱼和各种蔬菜的火锅。I'll make a pot of tea. The fire is just up.

她说她的孤挺花死了,问我要不要火锅罐?。Her amaryllis died. Did I want the fondue pot?

敏敏想念那里的火锅、夜生活和妈妈。There, Min miss hot pot, night life and mommy.

但是巧克力火锅是迄今为止最著名的一种。But chocolate fondue is by far the most famous.

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他们在一家小餐馆歇脚,吃了顿干酪火锅。They stopped at a little cafe and had a fondue.

请确认您已火锅菜或热板。Make sure you have chafing dishes or hot plates.

火锅的复古风催生了老灶火锅。The classic dishes birth of the old kitchen pot.

他们非常喜欢火锅,尤其是那里的笋和面。They loved it, especially the bamboo and noodles.

晚上又和朋友打了一会儿火锅。In the evening I enjoyed the hot pot with my friends.

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两百万点就可以免费换得一套银制火锅组!Only two million points for a free silver fondue set!

牛肉、羊肉、鱼和蔬菜都是火锅的主要食材。Beef, mutton, fish and vegetables are the main dishes.

我想推荐火锅,这是典型的四川菜。I want to recommend hot pot. It is a typical Si-chuan dish.