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而寄生虫拥有表决权。And the parasites vote.

你可以将股份分为有表决权和无表决权两种。You can have voting and non-voting shares.

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表决权的份量取决于认缴资本额。Voting is weighted by capital subscription.

名誉会员不享有表决权。Titulary members shall not be entitled to vote.

这种无表决权股票可以是普通股,也可以是优先股。Such nonvoting stock may be common or preferred stock.

年龄在十八岁以上的男女有投票表决权。Men and women of eighteen and above are eligible to vote.

行使表决权、选举权,有被选举权。To participate in voting and elections and to stand for election.

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十二位地区储备银行行长中,只有五位具有联邦公开市场委员会的表决权。Only five of the 12 bank presidents are voting members of the FOMC.

这是一个无投票权的会员资格,并且不能持有该协会公司的投票表决权。This is a non-voting membership that cannot hold any elected office in the Corporation.

应该遵守股东大会上投票选举董事的表决权。The right to vote at shareholder’s meetings for the election of directors shall be observed.

表决权信托制度肇端于美国,并在美国及其他国家得到了极大的发展。Trust system of voting rights starts in America and develops considerably in America and other countries.

在瑞士,参与证书指由瑞士的公司发行的没有表决权的股票。In Switzerland a participation certificate is a non-voting form of equity that is issued by Swiss companies.

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它的“公民”没有在任何国家或国际机构的表决权,但它们所受到的痛苦,需要被人所了解。Its citizens have no vote in any national or international body, but they are suffering and need to be heard.

无畏猛士是仲裁员同时有一票表决权,虐待者担任顾问。The Mandare sits as the arbitrator, only casting a vote in case of a while and the persecutors act as advisers.

保管机构或其代表人代行表决权时,应依其与股份受益所有权人间约定的方式为之。Votes should be cast by custodians or nominees in a manner agreed upon with the beneficial owner of the shares.

没有他们,妇女就没有表决权和选择权,有色人种就不会有自由。Without activists, women would have no vote and no right to choose, and people of colour would have no freedom.

因此,公司表决权制度的完善对于公司法人治理结构具有十分重要的意义。Therefore, the perfection of the voting system is of great importance to the corporate management and structure.

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布雷顿森林机构的表决权集中制度可以弥补投票权分配制度的不足。The Bretton Woods Institutions vote-centralizing system can fill up the deficiency in the vote-allocating system.

民主党期望能获得共和党在参议院摇摆不定的五十一票多数表决权,这个希望很有可能无法实现。Democratic hopes of overturning the Republicans' shaky 51-vote majority in the Senate are unlikely to be realized.

你对如何经营公司既没有表决权,也不能从中得到任何有形资产,还常常分不到红。You can't vote on running the company, you can't get a tangible asset, and frequently you don't get paid a dividend.