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你都把我搞糊涂了。You snarled me up.

我犯糊涂了。I am muddle-headed.

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我也被搞糊涂了。I got balled up, too.

你把我给搞糊涂了。You made me confused.

成绩一踏糊涂!Results a step careless!

现在我们真的被搞糊涂了。Now we are really puzzled.

那章书可把人看糊涂了。That chapter is confusing.

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萨姆醉得一踏糊涂,根本不能开车。Sam is too looped to drive.

那只是一时糊涂。It was a moment of weakness.

我被这种局面搞糊涂了。I was stuck by the situation.

萨米摇摇头,被搞糊涂了。Samy shook his head, puzzled.

现在我明白了我是一个糊涂人。Now I know I have been a fool.

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他们把我们搞糊涂了。They've completely bamboozled us.

你完全把我搞糊涂了。You've complete ly bamboozled me.

当可爱的女人糊涂做了傻事。When lovely woman stoops to folly.

别被文学批评家搞糊涂了。Do not let the critics confuse you.

公路上的几个路标把司机搞糊涂了。The road signs confused the driver.

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等等,你说的关于我妈妈的事又把我搞糊涂了,她再也不会回到物质形体中了吗?never return again to physical form?

安德鲁英吉完全被搞糊涂了。Andrew Engel was completely confused.

所以你们昏了头,一时糊涂做出了蠢事。So you got confused, made a bad call.