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所以你把他放了,并拿走了那个火盆。So, you set him free and take the Brazier with you.

火盆的高度至少要3英寸高。The pan should have at least three-inch-high sides.

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你在那里的一个小山洞里能找到一个火盆。You will find a brazier within a shallow cave there.

该柱形火盆的基座是方型砌砖样式的。The base of the column is rectangular with brick styling.

冬天来临时,人们喜欢围在火盆旁边取暖。Winter comes , people like around next to the brazier for heating.

找到如下图所示的火盆。收集暗焰余烬。Go to the brazier pictured below. Collect a Darkflame Ember from it.

“首先,”费瑞恩说,“你得把火盆底下的炭块铺均匀。”"First, " Pharaun said, "you spread the coals evenly at the bottom of the brazier.

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灾殃之火是一种绿色的火焰,据说在幽冥界的火盆中一直燃烧。The Bane Fire is a sickly greenish flame said to burn in the braziers of the Underworld.

一团火焰从燃烧的火盆中跑了出来,在火焰看到了一群在绳子上玩了的昆虫后,决定与这些昆虫一起去玩。Burn the Rope is a unique game for the pyro in all of us. All you have to do is feed the fire!

守岁时,要把火盆的炭火烧得红红火火,以象征生活岁岁兴旺。Shou sui, want to put the brazier burning coals of the thriving, symbolizing the life happiness.

有一家人递给我们啤酒,还坚持让我们品尝他们在火盆上烤的鱼和肉。A family offered us beer and insisted we sample the meat and fish they were grilling on a hibachi.

他把半打的火炬扔进火盆里燃烧的木炭上看着浸油的破布熊熊燃烧。He thrust half a dozen torches into the brazier's glowing coals and watched the oiled rags flare up.

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那时正是九月,王坐在过冬的房屋里,王的前面火盆中有烧烬的火。Now the king was sitting in the winter house in the ninth month, with a fire burning in the brazier before him.

这个葫芦形,或者非洲坩埚形的物体像个大火盆一样被放置在太高的底座上面。The calabash, or melting pot of African cultures, sits on a raised podium, on top of which is located a pit of fire.

如果有人抢上前去,抓起礼服把它们扔进火盆里去,年青的国王就得救了。If anyone with gloves on seizes the garment and throws it into the fire and burns it up, the young king will be saved.

当格里夫出现在甲板上时,那条狗鱼已经在火盆上烤的嘶嘶作响,伊西拉正在它上面来回挤着柠檬汁。By the time Griff appeared on deck, the pike was spitting and sizzling over the brazier whilst Ysilla hovered over it with a lemon, squeezing.

趁着伊西拉转身,提利昂从火盆上偷抓了片饼干就飞快溜走以防遭到她大木勺的招呼。When Ysilla turned her back, Tyrion snatched a biscuit off the brazier, darting away just in time to avoid a smack from her fearsome wooden spoon.

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埃及人用乳香来制造化妆品,尸体的防腐剂,把乳香放在屋内的火盆燃烧,可以为寒冷天气的房间提供湿温暖和芳香。Egyptians used frankincense to make cosmetics, embalm dead bodies, and provide an aromatic warmth on the braziers of their homes in chilly weather.

意思就是说,如果你正在做扑灭卡里姆多部落火盆的成就,那么这次的修改会重置你的成就进程。If you are in the process of completing an achievement such as Extinguishing Kalimdor, this fix will reset your progress and you will need start over.

她往后甲板上的火盆里丢了些木屑,用把焦黑的刀搅拌了下煤渣,然后就揉起作为早餐饼干的面团。She fed some wood chips to the brazier on the afterdeck, stirred the coals with a blackened blade, and began to knead the dough for the morning biscuits.