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早期采用者。Early Adopters.

从早期的CM7升级?Upgrading from earlier CM7?

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苏珊娜喜欢早期音乐。Susana loves the early music.

极早期预警系统?。VEWS? Very Early Warning System?

为什么不在早期出售呢?Why not sell early in the cycle?

另外一个早期创立的网站。Another of the early web outfits.

我有一个视频,一个早期的视频。I do have a video, an early video.

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中国早期传统中的狐狸精Foxes in Early Chinese Tradition ‘4

是否可以追溯早期的法藏部?Can We Trace the Early Dharmaguptakas?

它甚至可以修复早期龋病。It can even reverse early tooth decay.

可见,虞弘是一位早期回纥族人士。So Yuhong was from Hui He ethnic group.

她早期的文章没有几篇留存下来。Few of her early articles are preserved.

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早期岛上的居民也会打劫轮船。Some early islanders were ship wreckers.

在生命周期的早期识别出风险identified risks early in the life-cycle

一项人事发展特许协会的早期研究。An earlier piece of research by the CIPD.

早期脱水——无迹象或无症状。Early dehydration – no signs or symptoms.

早期龈炎的临床指征?Early indications of clinical gingivitis?

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早期的书写实际上是象形文字。Early writing was pictographic in nature.

成立独立的早期投资基金。Establishing a separate early-stage fund.

他的许多早期预测帮了大忙。Many of his early forecasts held up well.