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访问谷歌图书。Access Google Books.

基于门户的访问。Portal-based access.

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当时我在家里准备一个访问。I was home for a visit.

国家访问如何安排?How is the state visits?

她访问过柳树。She accessed the willows.

授予访问映像的权限。Grant access to the image.

请访问读书俱乐部资源网。Visit Book Clubs Resource.

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访问单用户模式。Access to single-user mode.

访问作者的站网。Visit the author’s website.

欢迎访问上海高聚网站!Welcome to Shanghai Hipoly!

静态随机访问储存器。Static Random-Access Memory.

动态随机访问存储器。Dynamic Random-Access Memory.

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古道尔在一次访问中问道。Goodall asks in an interview.

这是派斯里的第一次访问。It was Paisley's first visit.

允许访问振动器。Allows access to the vibrator.

动态随机访问存储器。Dynamic Random- Access Memory.

他上次访问中国是在2006年。He last visited China in 2006.

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他的访问期与我的访问期有几天重叠。His visit and mine overlapped.

他们出乎意外地访问了我们。They surprised us with a visit.

但是如何访问这些内容?But how do you access this data?