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轻盈的是你的体态。Your posture acts airily.

良好体态对身体有许多益处。Good posture has many benefits.

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她有体操运动员轻盈而美丽的体态。She has the lithe grace of a gymnast.

她每天运动以保持体态轻盈。He takes a walk after supper everyday.

以下是关于保持好的体态的5大理由。Here are 5 reasons to have good posture.

奥里佛有一只体态优美的猫,叫做葛拉琪亚。Oliver has a graceful cat called Gracia.

这个胖女人的体态很笨重。The fat woman’s movements were ponderous.

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她良好的体态是经常锻炼的结果。Her nice figure is due to regular work-out.

好的体态有利于身体各机能的更好运转。Good posture leads to better body mechanics.

她每天运动以保持体态轻盈。She exercises everyday to keep herself supple.

你的体态也会影响到你身体器官的健康状态。Your posture affects the health of your organs.

好的体态关系到你脊椎骨的健康。Good posture contributes to the health of your spine.

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她每天运动以保持体态轻盈。He admired the graceful, supple movements of the dancers.

她左边一条体态扭曲的龙,正向上升腾。On her right side is a twisting dragon rising to the sky.

她体态美好,吸引着所有的男人。She carries herself very nicely and attracts all the men.

第一部分是关于体态语的定义。The first part deals with the definition of body language.

我只是在想,它们那形如鱼雷的体态是多么美丽啊。I just thought their torpedo-shaped bodies were so beautiful.

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体态肥硕得海豹是企鹅的天敌之一。A seal body fat is one of the natural enemies of the penguins.

体态影响人的自信与快乐。Posture influences confidence and sense of overall well-being.

那个体态优美的女孩子靠卖黑纱为生。The girl with shapely body scraped a living by selling crapes.