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黑尔医生在医院里等待出诊。Dr. Hale is on call at the hospital.

医生在巡回出诊。The doctor is on his round of visits.

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医生正在为病人出诊。The doctor is visiting a patient now.

医生应患者的请求去出诊。The doctor attended a professional call.

这位大夫经常夜里被请去出诊。The doctor is often called away at night.

医生们不太喜欢夜间出诊。Doctors don´t much like being called out at night.

一次出诊你要做多少次手术?How many operations do you perform during a visit?

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我第一次见到它是我出诊去给安斯沃思太太的一只狗看病。I first saw her when I was called to see one of Mrs.

以前,兽医大概每年来我们这里出诊一次。In the old days we got a visit from the vet maybe once a year.

那医生定期到病人家出诊。The doctor visits his patients at their homes at regular intervals.

此类车辆还可以作为出诊车辆、运送血浆、运送疫苗等用途。It also can be used for visiting patient, sending plasma and bantering.

让村Naturals的治疗压力和紧张液体矿产浴出诊。Let Village Naturals Therapy Stress and Tension Liquid Mineral Bath make a house call.

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医生今天没有出诊。不,没有例外。我并不介意他是否沮丧!Doctor doesn't do house calls today. No, no exceptions. I don't care if he is depressed!

目的探讨规范超声筛查在胎儿脐膨出诊断中的价值。Objective To evaluate the function of standardized ultrasound screening for fetal omphalocele.

从而对马怀马、怀骡和要流产马能即早做出诊断。And we have been able to make early diagnosis in mares with horses mares with mules and mare abortion.

此类车辆还可以作为出诊车辆、运送血浆、运送疫苗、残疾人转运等用途。It can also used for visiting patient, transporting plasma, and bantering and handicapped and injured.

如果我们碰上了新生儿猝死综合症,也没有医生早上6点出诊。如果没事,那就让他继续睡吧。If we have had a cot death, no doctor will come out at 6am, and if we haven't, then leave him to sleep.

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医生,对不起,这么晚了请你出诊,母亲半夜突然发病了。Sorry to get you out at this late hour,doctor,but Mother became suddenly ill in the middle of the night.

职工擅自请医生出诊的一切费用,均由职工本人自理。Worker do sth without authorization asks all fee of doctor pay a home visit all provide for oneself by him worker.

父亲是我们小镇的内科医生,我的母亲经常向我详述关于我跟随父亲到病人家里出诊的往事。My mother often recounts a story about me following around my father, our small town's internist, on a certain home visit.