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就是面临危险,他也方寸不乱。He remained calm even in the face of danger.

方寸的山很美,菩提老祖却很寂寞。Beautiful mountains in confusion, Bodhi very lonely.

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但须方寸随时守所守。Only want the square inch momentarily defends defends.

大家开始笑柏蒂时,她乱了方寸。Patty blew her cool when everyone started laughing at her.

惜别伤离方寸乱,忘了临行,酒盏深和浅。Farewell to the wound leave way, forget her, gin deep and shallow.

他的演说把幽默性和严肃性的方寸掌握得恰到好处。His speech struck a perfect balance between humor and seriousness.

很多人因生气或愤怒而方寸大乱。Many people let anger and rage alter their decision-making skills.

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把心情融进方寸之间,用双手创造属于自己的经典!The mood into confusion, with both hands to create their own classic!

竖直通栏广告每寸作26方寸计,横修广告每栏作20方寸计算。Horizontal column ad is 20 sq. in. while vertical column ad is 26 sq. in.

竖直通栏广告每寸作26方寸计算,横条广告每栏作20方寸计算。Horizontal column ad is 20 sq. inches while vertical column ad is 26 sq. inches.

盆景之美就在于此,让人在方寸之间体味到与自然景物的亲近。That's the beauty of bonsais. The miniature gives people a feeling of closeness to nature.

为了爱情,她可以在方寸之间转圜,一旦另一个被他迷住的男人误入花丛,她又会再次使尽浑身解数。She could “spin on a dime” for love—and spin again when another enchanted man strayed close.

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锐眼骑士左顾右盼之下,显然已经失去了方寸。The sharp-eyed knight glance left and right under, obviously have already lost a square inch.

心急很容易导致“乱了方寸”、“乱了阵脚”,很容易犯低级错误。A watched pot easily lead to "random heart", "thrown into a position", it's easy to make mistakes.

尽管敌人开始方寸大乱,但他的重机枪一击迫击炮攻击仍然不容小觑。Although the enemy began to chaos, but hes a heavy blow mortar attacks are still to be reckoned with.

在超压达每平方寸1磅处,有些窗户破碎了,但没有遭到严重的损害。At the I pound per square inch overpressure location some windows were broken, but no major damage was sustained.

查理那晚演奏了萨克斯风,起初他演奏得不错,但之后他乱了方寸,找不着调儿了。Charlie began to play the saxophone that night. He played well for a while. But he then became lost in the music.

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它用神奇的内部反手画法将乾坤融于方寸之间。By employing the seemingly miraculous backhand painting technique, the art compacts the universe into a small space.

虽然德国政府因经济急转直下而显得方寸大乱,ECB却依旧故作岿然。If Germany’s government now appears rattled by the unfolding economic drama, the ECB is still trying to look unfazed.

再加上在方寸之间移动鼠标,或者动动拇指头,这就是玩电游的全部内容。Along with moving a mouse a few inches or twiddling some thumb sticks, this is what it has meant to play a video game.