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他们是来查封的。They had come to repossess their goods.

他们可以查封并扣押可疑产品。They may seize and impound suspect products.

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只有管理员才能创建禁止查封的范围。The sysop ability to create range blocks is disabled.

上个月,美国执法官为Gomiya公司查封了里德的篷车。Last month U.S. marshals seized Reed's van for Gomiya.

这里记录了用户进行查封和解封的操作。This is a log of user blocking and unblocking actions.

如今空置的有232房间的酒店也即将被查封。The 232-room hotel, which is almost empty, will be next.

查封所得以及拍卖所得的银两呢?Confiscate and seal income and silver gained by sale two?

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只有管理员才能创建禁止查封的范围。Talk The sysop ability to create range blocks is disabled.

沙皇政府在1905年12月查封了这家报馆。The tsarist government closed down the newspaper in December 1905.

在查封侵权产品时,上海海关需要什么证据?What kind of evidence do you need to seize goods for patent infringement?

伊韦雷这个罪恶而可耻的地方就在我们到达的那天被查封了。Iwelei, with its sin and shame, ceased to exist on the very day we arrived.

所有制造盗版光盘的地下工厂都必须查封。All those underground plants that manufacture piratic CDs must be closed down.

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您觉得在那些年代您的作品受到审查或查封吗?Did you feel that your work in those years was censored or otherwise inhibited?

除了这些工作外,管理员被特许在规定允许的情况下查封一些用户和IP地址。Other than that, admins are technically allowed to block users and IP addresses.

查封官需要有郡法院的证明才能没收货物以抵欠租。Bailiffs need a certificate from the county court to seize goods for rent arrears.

司法担保主要包括查封担保、扣押担保、判决担保。Judicial lien mainly contains attachment lien, garnishment lien and judgment lien.

变卖、拍卖扣押、查封的商品、货物或者其他财产。Selling or auctioning the seized or detained commodities, goods or other properties.

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新的空调已经进入到空气,少量的氯氟化碳已被查封。The new air conditioner is getting into the air, a small amount of CFCs has been sealed.

但我也知道,最高院就搜查和查封的裁决已明确了规则。But, I also know, these Supreme Court rulings on search and seizure have set clear rules.

如果有人试图赖账,银行便会查封他的个人资产。If you try to walk away from the mortgage, the bank will come after your personal assets.