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因为这门课是定性分析。Because he teaches a very qualitative course.

这就是目前我只想,定性分析的原因。That's why, at this point, we'll keep it a little qualitative.

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第二部分主要对人身保险利益做了定性分析。The second part is about the innate character of insurable interest.

定性分析和讨论了堵口现象。The pinhole closure problom was qualitatively analysed and discussed.

对菝葜植物根茎中黄酮类成分进行了定量测定和定性分析。Flavonoids in the roots of Smilax China L were analyzed qualitatively.

定性分析表明水是由氢氧结合而成的。Qualitative analysis shows that water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen.

三是定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法。The method of combining quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis.

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讨论非线性时标动态系统的定性分析。Qualitative analysis of nonlinear dynamic system on time-scales is studied.

并对心墙蓄水前后的土压力进行了定性分析。And the earth pressure before and after impoundment is analyzed qualitatively.

以往对门极可关断晶闸管电流放大系数的研究主要集中在定性分析。We researched mainly on Gate Turn-off Thyristor in qualitative analysis before.

对柿叶的化学成分进行了定性分析和抗菌活性的研究。Chemical constituents of persimmon leaves and antimicrobial activities were studied.

针对常见的运行故障,建立带式输送机故障树,通过定性分析求出最小割集。The fault tree of belt conveyor is established in view of its common operational faults.

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运用定性分析方法,探讨完全垄断市场投资项目的盈亏平衡分析。By qualitative analysis, the break even equilibrium of items in monopoly will be explored.

对这一构想可实现优化配置自来水进行了理论证明。对其成本进行了定性分析。The vision-model's optimization is verified theoretically, as well as its cost's analyzing.

依据原型结构现场测量和有限元法,对锥体结构动冰力的速度效应进行了定性分析。A qualitative analysis of velocity effects of ice load is made for conical offshore structure.

对菝葜和土茯苓根茎中黄酮类化合物进行了定量测定和定性分析。Flavonoids in the roots of Smilax china L. and Smilax glabra Roxb. were analysed qualitatively.

用薄层层析法来定性分析醋酸麦迪霉素合成过程的酰化中间体。The qualitative analysis of the intermediates in synthesis of midecamycin acetate is described.

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文章运用定量统计和定性分析的方法进行研究。The article conducts the research using method of the quota statistics and qualitative analysis.

定性分析实验表明,其果实中含有黄酮类成分。The flavonoid components in Lonicera edulis fruit was proved by qualitative analysis experiment.

利用晶格能对凝胶玻璃的稳定性与析晶特性进行了定性分析。The net stability and crystallization of the gel-glass was analyzed by energy of crystal lattice.