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这涉及改写历史。This rewrites history.

写作就是改写。Writing is re-writing.

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这个句子改写不了。The sentence can't transpose.

序言已经改写。The preface has been reworded.

把韵文改写成散文。Transpose the verse into prose.

你能把这首诗改写成散文吗?。Can you do this poem into prose?

改写后的方案由两个项目组成。Two projects make up the rewrite.

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这个剧本是根据一本小说改写的。This play is adapted from a novel.

如果我可以改写字母表的话。If I could re-arrange the alphabet.

他改写社论直到天亮。He recomposed the editorial till dawn.

我提供你的源材料改写。I provide you source material to rewrite.

请把这段散文改写成诗歌。Please turn this piece of prose into verse.

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它将改写您前面添加的条目。It overwrites the entries you added earlier.

这个模型将不会被这个任务改写。This model will not be overridden by the task.

我们都有要改写历史的原因。We all have our reasons for rewriting history.

他一再改写第一段。He reworked the first paragraph time and again.

我需要500字的文章改写和原始。I need 500 words article rewrites and original.

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演讲稿已经改写过22遍了。The speech had already been redrafted 22 times.

我必须把信封上的地址改写成他们新居的地址。I have to readdress the letter to their new home.

现在是地理学家们改写地理教科书的时候了。It is now the geographers' job to rewrite theirs.