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我们意大利人享受美食,但我们的食量实在太大了。Italians, we eat good food, but we eat a lot of it.

她充满激情地用奶瓶喂食,超出了儿子的食量。She bottle-fed him with passion, surplus to demand.

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224每顿饭食量过大会增加患心脏病的危险。Eating a heavy meal may increase the risk of heart attack.

小鸟,是的,它们的食量很小,每年所需的开销也很小。Small birds, well, eat like birds, costing you little each year.

所以保持去年的食量会导致你今年的体重增加。So eating the same as last year will cause weight gain this year.

大餐叉小食量”理论仅仅在餐厅环境中有效。But the big fork, less eaten theory only worked in a restaurant setting.

但她食量很大。如今她太大了,不能住在这房子里了,因此我为她造了一间特殊的猪舍。Now she's too big to sleep in the house, so I made her a special pig house.

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你吃下的正是你需求的,只不过你需要更健康的食物,并且减小自己的食量。You eat what you want, but you should want healthier food, and to eat less.

班森太太吃得不多,我们常说她食量和鸟一样小。Mrs. Benson doesn't eat much, so we often tell her that she eats like a bird.

你会觉得你吃的像以前一样多,但其实你的食量已经减小了。You'll think you're eating as much as before, but in fact you're eating less.

试验测定了银狐的采食量、饲料转化率及体增重。Finally, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio and feed intake were measured.

低蛋白组采食量最多,高蛋白组采食量最少。The food-intake was highest in low-protein group and lowest in high-protein group.

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她对我的治疗主要是集中于饮食平衡,以及食量,她还想让我运动。Her focus was on balanced meals and portion control, and she wanted me to exercise.

妊娠期饲料采食量直接而且极大地影响到仔猪初生重量。The immediate and improtant effects of feed intake in pregnancy are upon birth weight.

运动期间,各组高脂饮食大鼠摄食量无统计学意义。Pre-exercise high-fat diet rats in each group body weight was no significant difference.

通过饲养试验分别研究了卵黄抗体和鱼油对母猪采食量及母猪生产性能的影响。The influence of anti-CCK egg-yolk antibody on performance of lactation sows was tested.

食量的增加或减少都会影响你注意力的集中、身体能量供应及应变能力。Eating more or less can change your concentration, energy level and ability to stay alert.

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在夏季采食量下降时,提高日粮中氨基酸浓度有意义吗?Does it make sense to increase amino acid concentrations in summer when feed intake is reduced?

每餐食量会很小,即便仅是一勺匙布丁,我也会尽量让每餐变得“高质量”。They will be small, but I will try to make them grand. Even if it’s just a spoonful of pudding.

从游泳队退役之后,迈克尔菲尔普斯也许会去参加食量比拼大赛。After he retires from swimming, Michael Phelps might want to try his hand at competitive eating.