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压力随温度成正比例变化,与容积成反比例变化。Pressure varies directly with temperature and inversely with volume.

再退火速度是和顺序复杂性成反比例。The rate of reannealing is inversely proportion to sequence complexity.

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当你出售球员时,买方出钱的多少将会与你需要的钱数量呈反比例。Offers for a player will be inversely proportional to your need to sell him.

分数值与分母值成反比例。The value of a fraction is inversely proportional to that of the denominator.

甚至在某种意义上来说,形状的作用和诗的长度是成反比例的。To some degree, the role of shape and the length are in inverse proportion in a poem.

温度不变,则气体压力和其体积成反比例。At constant temperature, the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume.

测定的六种液体混合物的粘度大体上随温度成反比例变化。The viscosity of these mixtures is mainly inversely proportional to the variations of temperature.

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若二量之间一增加一减少,我们则称二者成反比例。If one of two quantities increases as the other decreases, we say that they are in inverse proportion.

寻九年级上数学反比例函数,二次函数,要有答案及解题过程。Search the ninth grade on the math inverse function, quadratic function, there must be answers and problem-solving process.

结论牙槽嵴高度的改变,将引起根管壁应力的变化,两者间呈反比例关系。Conclusion The change of alveolar ridge's height will affect the stress change of wall of root canal, and which is in an inverse proportion.

海岸居民的宗教信仰,与他们船只的大小,适成反比例,这差不多是一个定律。It may be laid down broadly that the intensity of religious belief among sea-faring folk is inversely proportional to the size of their vessel.

生存的机会是跟着陆角度是成反比例的。大的着陆角度,小的生存机会,反之亦然。The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival. Large angle of arrival, small probability of survival and vice versa.

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胡国定教授基于“概念的内涵与外延的反比例关系律”这种思想,给出了一种信息度量方法。Professor Hu Guoding proposed a method of measuring information based on the philosophy that connotation and denotation of a concept satisfies inverse ratio rule.

发现在老年期不同材料的记忆广度与搜索速度也存在反比例关系。Also reported were similar performance patterns between the younger and the older and age-related differences in memory searching rate in Sternberg tasks with the same stimuli.

计算结果表明,发射区载流子寿命的变化几乎不影响注入到基区的电子电流,但却成反比例地影响基区空穴电流。The calculated results show that the electron current injected into the base region is not affected, but an increase of the base hole current is increased with the lifetime reduction.

实际上,随我的话,我大胆地说一句他们成反比,如果我误用了术语“反比例”那么我满意了因为我证明了我的主张。In fact, going by myself, I'm going to venture that they are in inverse proportion and if I have used the term "inverse proportion" incorrectly then I am content because I proved my claim.

本文源自机车方面的“十。五”攻关项目的子项目“高速列车半主动横向减震反比例溢流阀的研究”。This dissertation is derived from the national "Tenth Five Year" Project, "Research on High-Speed Train Transverse Semi-active Damping Electro-Hydraulic Reverse-Proportional Relief Valve".

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所以,让我们来看看,正确的答案是什么,事实上,答案是,因为粒子运动的快慢,与它的波长之间是一个反比例关系。So, let's see what the correct answer is, Wakefield and it is, in fact, Wakefield, right, because there's an inverse relationship between how fast a particle is going and what its wavelength is.