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她隔日工作。She works on alternate days.

他隔日来这里一次。He comes here on alternate days.

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我和他隔日轮流打扫我们的房间。He and I clean our room on alternate days.

隔日,MF市值损失四分之一。The next day MF disclosed a quarterly loss.

汤姆和哈里隔日轮流做这工作。Tom and Harry do the work on alternate days.

此外,您要隔日来针刺一次,睡硬板床,好好休息。You should have acupuncture every other day. Sleep on a hard bed and rest well.

隔日中午前,我把本子的新旧版本带回去给他。I brought the old and the new versions of the book back the next day before noon.

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而上海我们的物流也可以做到大部分订单隔日送达。And our content sheds Shanghai to also can accomplish major order tertian service.

在隔日患者并发复发性的上消化道出血和低血容性休克。Recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding with hypovolemic shock complicated on the next day.

快照隔日更新,其实这并不代表你的网站权重有多高。Snapshot update every other day, in fact, it does not mean your site how high the weight.

许多土著人过着无隔日粮的生活,每天有饭吃就满足了。Many native tribes lead a hand-to-mouth existence, content to have food for one day at a time.

从三龄起,每龄起蚕后第二天,每日一次,或隔日一次。Since 3 duration, the day after every molted silkworm, once a day or once every other one day.

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作难的是,小镇警长泰勒告知,隔日早上才有方法找人修车。Obstruct that Sergeant Taylor told the town the next day morning only way to find someone to repair.

他们被随机分配隔日服用20mg他达拉非或安慰剂共6周。They were randomly assigned to receive either 20 mg of tadalafil or placebo every other day for 6 weeks.

隔日审问者问我们三个人昨天在牢房说了些什么。The next day the interrogators asked me about all the things we three had been speaking about in the cell.

暑假期间,我和哥哥在一个养老院里为那儿的居民隔日弹钢琴。My brother and I worked in a nursing home playing piano for the residents every other day during the summers.

时间通常是隔日一剂,如需要,但次数不得超过一个剂量在24小时内。The usual schedule is one dose every other day, as needed, but no more frequently than one dose in a 24-hour period.

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涌潮潮时预报方法有传播时间法和隔日滞后时间法。The method of propagation time and the method of tide lag can be used for forecasting the occurrence-time of tide bore.

在捣碎的胡萝卜及其汁液中,加入面粉再捣成泥,把胡萝卜泥敷于面部,隔日一次,10分钟即可。In the carrot of dolly and its juice, join flour to pound mud again, carrot mud apply at facial, tertian, 10 minutes can.

由于已经将近凌晨一点了,酒店员工也承诺隔日都将换成空调房、我们也不想闹事理论,所以就拿上所有装备入住预留的房间了。As it was around 1am and we do not wish to kick up a fuss, also we were promised that we would get all air-con room by the next day.