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幸亏有袁博士,使很多人摆脱了饥饿。Dr Yuan, many people rid hunger.

幸亏我们没有误车。Fortunately we didn't miss the bus.

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幸亏它被隐藏起来了。It was fortunately hidden from view.

好问题。幸亏你问了。Great question. I'm so glad you asked.

幸亏乘警帮忙找到了小朵。Fortunately marshals to help find a small duo.

幸亏在我们动身前雨停了。Fortunately the rain stopped before we started.

幸亏碰到西光,为二人突围。Luckily met west light, for two people to break.

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幸亏这些年轻妇女,白洋淀长大的。Luckily, these young women grow up in Baiyang lake.

幸亏颜林他爹是搞自然地理的。Luckily, Yan Lin's father was in physical geography.

幸亏罐子没有砸在我头上,这真是不幸中的万幸。But it is lucky that the jug did not fall on my head.

许多坏事固然幸亏有了他才变好。Many bad things, thanks to to this word, became good.

幸亏关了铁门,他俩才能待在里面。These children were there, thanks to the locked gates.

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幸亏我有先见之明。带雨伞。Luckily I have the foreknowledge. brought the umbrella.

幸亏那次革命,社会的情况改变了。Thanks to the Revolution, social conditions have changed.

“幸亏我没赶上”,一个伤员唧咕了一句。"I'm glad I wasn't in it. " one of the patients muttered.

幸亏有爸爸和约翰叔叔的帮忙,葛丽塔才保住了一切。Thanks to Pa and Uncle Johan, Greta got to keep everything.

幸亏他的儿子继承了父亲机灵的思维。Fortunately, his son inherited the father's' ingenious mind.

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幸亏有他帮助,我们才安全地走出漆黑的山洞。Thanks to is assistance, we got out of the dark cave safely.

不过,幸亏有前传三部曲,丘巴卡又回来了。Chewbacca nonetheless returned thanks to the prequel trilogy.

噢,对。我明白你的话了。幸亏你脑筋转得快。Oh, yeah. I see what you mean. Thanks for the quick thinking.