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他们两个都是他的表亲,但在血统上亲疏不同。They are both cousins of his, but not of the same degree of propinquity.

他以与吴氏关系亲疏建立了一套等级制度。He has created a hierarchy largely determined by closeness to the Wu clan.

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空间语言是人际关系亲疏程度的重要标志。The language of space was the key sign for degree of intimacy of human relationship.

总之,施礼之前必须首先考虑对方与自己的亲疏关系。In short, the salute must first consider the other side before with their affinities.

根据亲疏关系,分析了水点间的水力联系。Analyse the hydrodynamic relation among water-taking points according to the near or far relation.

我们的亲疏测量法,除了分析连锁信外,已经在许多不同的情境中应用过。BESIDES ANALYZING chain letters, our relatedness measure has been used in a wide range of settings.

另外,动词祈使式的人称还受到亲疏关系、年龄、社会地位等因素的影响。Besides, person of imperative verbs is affected by intimacy, age, social position and some other factors.

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一名学生是否喜爱某一科目,往往与他和这学科的教师关系的亲疏有很大关系权势。Whether a student like a subject or not, is normally related to the relationship between he and his teacher.

硬度、亲疏水性物质比、溶出介质黏度对时滞影响显著。Hardness, the ratio of hydrophilic and hydrophobic materials and viscosity had notable effects on the lag time.

利用单面整理法开发了一类具有亲疏水双侧结构的单层单向吸湿排汗快干织物。A single construction and single-side moisture transported fabric has been designed through single-side finishing.

材料血液相容性跟其表面亲疏水性、表面能、表面荷电性、及表面化学基团等相关。It is influenced by the material surface properties such as surface wettability, surface energy and surface charge.

亲属称谓是亲属群体的语言符号,它用于表示人们的血缘关系、亲疏关系及姻亲关系。Kinship terms are linguistic symbols identifying the relationship of consanguinity, close or distant relationship and marriage.

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我们被要求按照跟新娘关系的亲疏来排成一排”。I've been at a hen do where we were all asked to stand in a line, ranking ourselves according to how close we were to the bride.

中国是一个宗法观念很强的社会﹐非常重视血缘纽带关系﹐而且亲疏分明。China is a very strong patriarchal society, FOCUS importantly linking to relation by blood, also distinct from close and distant.

矽烷分子在矽基材上形成亲疏水性表面时,其前进角都偏大且随著线宽变小时并没有呈现明显趋势。In case of silane on silicon substrate, advancing contact angle values were larger and had no tendency with decreasing line width.

它的变换体现了说话双方感情、亲疏关系等方面的变化,有其丰富的语用含义。The shift of terms of address, with significant pragmatic functions, reflects the changing emotion and relations between speakers.

本研究以三个实验探讨亲疏关系与自我肯定对消费者说谎意愿的影响。In this research, there are 3 studies investigating the influence of closeness and self-affirmation on consumers'lying willingness.

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我国传统价值观主张等差之爱,以血缘关系的亲疏前次推广。The traditional sense of worth of our country proposes the love of equidifference, which is spread by the close and distant kinships.

深受“感染”的亲属语言,同源词的多寡不足以确定彼此之间的亲疏关系。For deeply "contaminated" genetically related languages, the number of cognate words is deficient for determining internal subgrouping.

其次进行中原官话的内部比较,揭示出临颍方言与八个方言代表点的亲疏远近关系。Second, to compare the internal Zhongyuan Mandarin, revealed Linying dialect and dialects on behalf of eight points to rank the relationship.