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本产品采用超细颗粒钨钢材料,具有硬度高,刀刃锋利,使用寿命长等特点。Using ultra-thin granular tungsten steel, this product also features with high hardness, keenness and long life.

考虑到首层用餐区层高问题,这个区域的天花使用亮面钨钢封顶。Considering to the height problem of first floor dining area, this area of smallpox with bright tungsten steel cap.

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本产品采用超细颗粒钨钢材料,具有硬度高,刀刃锋利,使用寿命长等特点。Employing ultra-fine granular tungsten steel, this product features with high hardness, keenness and long life, etc.

用碳化钨钢结硬质合金制造螺纹钢丝轧辊,通过选用适当的合金牌号及热处理工艺,可显著提高轧辊的使用寿命。The service life of screw steel wire rollers can be remarkably raised by using WC steel bonded carbide and suitable heat treatment technology.

本公司生产的钨钢铣刀被广泛用于“精密模具、电子产品、工业零部件加工、光电产品…”等领域。The tungsten steel milling cutter is widely used in "precision mould, IC products, industrial parts processing and photoelectric products, etc."

连续冲模,冲头,导线架,塑模,连接器零件,钨钢,陶瓷材料,成型研磨加工。Continuous press mold, press head, wire lead frame, plastic mold, connector components, tungsten steel, ceramic material, grinding forming processing, etc.

在购买的时候,用户必须检查钨钢件导线板的尺寸和线槽的精度、光洁度,特别是和线轮接触的圆弧部分的圆度。At the time of purchase, the user must check the slot size and a wire board tungsten steel precision, smoothness, especially with the line wheel and the arc part of roundness.

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具有镜面效果的亮面钨钢在灯光的衬托下,将用餐区的景象反射到天花上,无形中加大了空间的舒适度。With a mirror effect of bright tungsten steel in the light against the background, the dining area of the scene reflected to the ceiling, virtually increased the comfort of space.

广州昊杰刀具有限公司是专业生产钨钢刀具的制造商,从80年代初期的手工制造,发展至今已拥有世界顶级数控工具数台。Guangzhou Hao Jie tool limited company is the specialized production of tungsten steel tool manufacturers, from the early 80's handmade, development has been the world's top CNC tool machine.

研究了奥氏体化温度,回火温度及硬度对GJW50碳化钨钢结硬质合金热疲劳抗力的影响。The effect of following factors on thermal fatigue resistance of GJW50 steel-bonded tungsten carbide, such as, austenitizing temperature, tempering temperature and hardness, has been studied.

化纤切割刀采用超细晶体颗粒钨钢制成,切割产品锋利迅捷,使用寿命长,是切割化纤制品的首选产品。The cutting blade for chemical fibre made of super-small tungsten steel like crystalline pellet, is the first –chosen tools in cutting chemical fibre manufactures because it is very sharp and durable.