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然而如果我们把自我世界放任自流,那也会成为一个非常糟糕的地方。Although that can be a pretty awful place too. When we let it be.

不要尽信传言,倾你之所有,任时间在睡眠中放任自流。Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have, or sleep all you want.

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不必告诉吉姆怎么管学孩子,放任自流吧。Don't tell Jim how to discipline his children. Leave well enough alone.

自从杰克对草坪放任自流之后,这前院里着实发生过不少事儿。That front yard had quite a history after Jack let the lawn go to hell.

而没有这样的理解,自由可以被解释为无限制的放任自流。Absent such an understanding, freedom can imply an unbound licentiousness.

在美国对待辅助生育技术的滥用持放任自流的态度。The realm of reproductive technology is unusually laissez-faire in the U.S.

研究人员发现,41岁是大多数英国人开始“放任自流”的年龄。Researchers have found that 41 is the age when most Brits ‘ let themselves go ’.

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他们管这叫滑囊炎,不过我敢说帕特一定认为我是在放任自流。They started calling it bursitis, but I could tell Pat thought I was dogging it.

在5个小时里你做你力所能及的事,换句话说,就是将其余的工作放任自流。You do what you can in 5 hours, turn it in, and let the rest take care of itself.

“我认为,有时候人们会放任自流,”她说,“希望情况事态会自行消失。”"I think sometimes people let things drift," she says, "in the hope that they will go away.

这个案例里没有漠不关心的父亲、求全责备的母亲和其他放任自流、爱贬低人、杂乱无章的照料者,问题出在哪里?The critical mother? Where were the abandoning, devaluing, or chaotic caregivers in her life?

越俎代庖有悖于市场经济规则,放任自流势必导致无序竞争。Replacement offends the market economic rules and doing nothing will lead to disorder competition.

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我喜欢在线阅读,喜欢和朋友们联系,但如果你放任自流,它真的会吞噬你的生活。I love online reading, and connecting with others, but it can really eat up your life if you let it.

如果你由着性子放任自流的话,它就会像一艘火箭一样飞窜出去,将你毁灭在半道上。If you let it go wild – it will take off like a rocket and then destroy you somewhere along the road.

他们希望阻止这一被认为是全球最饥饿的地方的肥沃土地放任自流。They hope to stop fertile soils from sliding away in what is considered the hungriest place on earth.

因此,我们今天立下誓言,要结束这个僵持停顿、放任自流的时代,一个复兴美国的新朝代已经开始。And so today we pledge an end to the era of deadlock and drift-a new season of american renewal has begun.

但是,如果对他们一次次放任自流,就会危及你的公司、团队和事业。But if you continue to be an enabler, then they can become a danger to your company, team and your career.

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越来越多的人劝告我,人是一种不幸的动物,放任自流且迫不得已去找寻自己的人生之路。I am more and more persuaded that man is an unhappy animal, abandoned and forced to find his own way in life.

假如有效市场假说有效,放任自流就存在先验理由。If the efficient market hypothesis were valid, there would be an a priori reason for imposing no constraints.

沃尔夫驱使着他的机甲越来越深得陷入到疯狂、摧毁、破坏和杀戮之中,完全地放任自流。With total abandon, Wolff urged his mecha deeper and deeper into the madness, destroying, crippling, killing.