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胆怯的母牛发誓不拖母音字母。the cowardly cow vows not to tow vowels.

短母音与长母音,何者先教?Should Short Vowels Be Taught before Long Vowels?

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那个学生在练习一个新母音的发音。The student was practising making a new vowel sound.

弱母音有消失的趋势。There is a tendency for unstressed vowels to disappear.

帮助学习者分辨英语中较易混淆的母音及子音。Sound contrast pairs, including vowels and consonants, which learners often confuse.

歌唱语言是歌唱艺术的重要组成部分,而歌唱语言中字的母音处理又是关键。Singing language is an important part in singing art, with the disposal of vowels as the key.

我以前总把单词中的l字母音发出来,服务生就会纠正我,问道,‘三文鱼’?I used to pronounce the 'l' in salmon, and the waiter or waitress would correct me by asking, "sam-mon"?

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此外,本研究也发现重音对母音分散的影响是同时作用于「母音空间」及「母音间距離」这兩个层面。In addition, stress was found to influence vowel distribution with respect to overall space and distance between vowels.

当你要把重音放在那个字的时候,那个字的母音要发的比较重比较长。A stressed syllable is pronounced more prominently than surrounding syllables simply put. we say louder and lengthen the voice sound.

借助于“打哈欠”和“u”母音训练喉头,不断地开发喉头的歌唱潜能。The paper discussed the ways of training larynx with gape and sound vowel U, it will help to develop the singing potential of larynx.

他说,“短信数量远远超过了直接通话,”但是“要找到我们某些母音上的重音符,非常费时。He says 'texting way surpasses voice calls,' but 'trying to find the accent marks that we put on some of our vowels is very time consuming.

他说,“短信数量远远超过了直接通话,”但是“要找到我们某些母音上的重音符,非常费时。He says 'texting way surpasses voice calls, ' but 'trying to find the accent marks that we put on some of our vowels is very time consuming.

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本研究探讨太魯阁语中母音空间与距離的分散现象,以及性别和重音对此母音分散的影响。This study investigated the dispersion of vowel space and vowel distance in Truku, and how these two factors interact with gender and stress.

编排上首先介绍美式英语的子音母音要素,语调,学生常见错误,及纠正方式。The front part of the book introduces the basic phonetic elements of English, intonation, frequent errors students make and ways to correct them.

它应可在一流体呼气发声母音的声音深深尽可能延长期限的名字一口气。It should be delivered in one fluid breath , vocalizing the vowel sounds as deeply as possible, extending the name for the duration of the breath.

本研究依照发音人对太魯阁语母音數目的认知,将他们分为五母音组、四母音组及三母音组。The participants were grouped into 5-vowel, 4-vowel, and 3-vowel categories, according to the number of vowels they perceived to be in their language.

镜子在母音发音上也很有帮助,尤其是当某个音发音正确与否的关键取决于舌头或嘴巴的形状或动作时。It's also useful for vowel sounds, particularly when the shape or movement of the tongue or mouth is the key to pronouncing, or mispronouncing, a sound.

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本研究引用兩种分散理論來解释五母音与三母音组之间的母音分散空间和距離的差異。Two versions of Dispersion Theory are used to interpret the observed differences between 5-vowel and 3-vowel groups in terms of both vowel space and vowel distance.

全书共分为27个单元,内容包含母音、子音、以及培养正确发音所需之重音及语调练习。Divided into 27 units, the book provides practice in the sounds of English as well as the stress and intonation patterns essential for correct English pronunciation.

唱准每一个母音是歌唱发声训练的重要环节,母音准确纯正是获得美好音质的基础,也是寻找正确发声机能协调歌唱状态的重要调节手段。Exact vowel singing is important for vocalism. Pure vowel is the basis of getting good tone quality and an important adjusting measure of coordinating vocal mechanism.