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是令人难受的愧疚之情?Is it pangs of guilt?

响铃痛苦或难受。Bell pain or discomfort.

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我真为他难受。I am so grieved for him.

他着凉了,很难受。He suffers from a bad cold.

由于花粉的过敏,我的眼睛刺痒难受。I have hay fever. My e itch.

这太难受了,你知道吗?It's just so hard , you know?

她因受到责骂而感到难受。She smarted from the scolding.

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在封闭车厢内他们都感到闷热得难受。They all stewed in the boxcar.

由于花粉过敏,我的眼睛刺痒难受。I have hay fever. My eyes itch.

那让我太难受了。It was too uncomfortable I had.

没你的人自好难受啊!Since you were not good bad ah!

这嘶嘶声真使我难受。That hissing gets on my nerves.

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这种侮辱使他心里难受。The insult rankled in his mind.

间谍口渴得难受极了。He spy was maddened with thirst.

太难受了。南京的秋季啊天气闷热。It's muggy in nanjing in autumn.

辣根使喉咙辣得难受。The horseradish burns the throat.

在餐桌旁侍人的工作很难受。Waiting tables can be a red grind.

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他患了一阵子感冒,很难受。He is down with a nasty bout of flu.

妈妈朝我大喊的时候,我心里真难受。I get so upset when mom yells at me.

有段时间我摆弄电子音乐,那让我很难受。I have a hard time with electronica.