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我们的胜利来之不易。Our victory was hard-won.

我们的成功来之不易。Our successes were hard-earned.

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何江的成就来之不易。Hiss achievements do not come easily.

请大家爱护及保护我们来之不易的飞行场地。Please take care of our hard-won space flight.

这些伟大的结合来之不易。It isn't easy to come up with these great combos.

我们今天稳定的形势是来之不易的。The stable situation of our country today was hard won.

你怎么能为了一点眼前小利就放弃了来之不易的工作呢?。How can you quit your hard-earned job for a mess of pottage?

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瑟曦终于懂得了真正的谦逊与悔恨是来之不易的。Cersei learns that true humility and contrition don't come easy.

“我没有工作,为人民来之不易,”布赖特曼说。"I don't have to work as hard for people to come, " Braitman said.

然而,在取得这番来之不易的进步之后,中国的银行业改革现在面临着倒退的危险。Yet despite this hard-won progress, Beijing is now in danger of backsliding.

兰迪教授几乎实现了他所有的梦想,但这些都来之不易。He went on to attain almost all of those dreams, but they didn't all come easy.

这种钱是来之不易的,并因为情感而非常易变。This type of money is hard to come by and can be very fickle in its affections.

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上述事实表明,和平来之不易,历史的经验教训值得汲取。These facts show that peace is hard won and we should draw lessons from history.

毕竟成功来之不易,恭喜他在付出努力后终于苦尽甘来。After all, to succeed is not an easy thing. No sweet without sweat. Congratulation !

一份感动,一份激励,拥有一份自信,因此获取一份来之不易的成功。A moving, a stimulus, has drawn up a self-confident, so to obtain a hard-won success.

我们都知道新中国是来之不易的,所以我们应倍加热爱我们的祖国。We all know that the new China is a hard-won , so we should pay extra love our country.

再次,大多数的活动变成了我们目标和方向中来之不易的核心的替代品。Again, most activities become a substitute for the hard-won core of purpose and direction.

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这一整套带电的展示,是脆弱的、来之不易的平衡,实际上需要每天为其提供能量,需要时刻给予关注。The whole wired show is a delicate, hard-won balance requiring daily energy and attention.

它们是我们生存斗争中来之不易和未曾预设的遗产。They are the hard-earned , but unintended, bequests of our ancestors' struggle to survive.

看到这次日全食的全食阶段的机会来之不易。Other opportunities to see the total phase of this eclipse of the Sun were also hard to come by.