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她总是支持居劣势的一方。She always support the underdog.

她总是支持居劣势的一方。She always roots for the underdog.

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你的优劣势是什么?What are your strengths and weakness?

但各电脑商已经处于劣势。But they are already at a disadvantage.

参与者II有劣势策略吗Does Player II have a dominated strategy?

迭代剔除劣势策略Iterative Deletion of Dominated Strategies.

如果我去风帆,我就会像一个劣势。If I go windsurfing, I'll look like a klutz.

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不,参与者I没有劣势策略No, Player I doesn't have a dominated strategy.

有哪个参与人有劣势残略吗Does either player here have a dominated strategy?

但篮板弥补了他在命中率方面的劣势。Rebounding was his way of atoning for his inaccuracy.

想要成为劣势策略还要满足别的条件But to be a dominated strategy we need something else.

赌博合法化的对经济产生的劣势是什么?What are the economic drawbacks of legalized gambling?

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东风在华东市场这一最重要的商用车市场处于劣势。East China market, Dong Feng is in a inferior position.

如果你选了,你就总是处于劣势。Because, if you did, then you would always be dominated.

不要选择劣势策略,还有吗Don't play a strictly dominated strategy, anything else?

马克思投进了精彩的一球,替他那一队扭转了劣势。Marcus made a great shot and saved the day for his team.

永远屈居于劣势,想想都窝火呀。It Be been to bad position forever, want all nest launch.

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每个竞争对手的优势和劣势分别是什么?What are the strengths and weaknesses of each competitor?

在选立场5或是6二者中有劣势策略吗Does 5 dominate 6, or 6 dominate 5, or anything like that?

在弱势地区家庭的孩子仍然处于劣势。Children from disadvantaged homes are still falling behind.